Monday, October 31, 2016

Every praise is for my God.

I don't blame nobody for what I've been through. But God get the praise and glory because I made it.I cherish everything I've been through. It really made me a stronger person with strong faith.The struggle was real but I made it.Just let God handle it. Give it to him.I'm so glad God changed me.Change is good but hard.But I thank God for my change.I'm so happy inside and God gets the glory.Thank you Jesus for keeping my family safe.

Melissa L Bryant

It's power in the name of Jesus.

It's power in the name of Jesus.When your breakthrough comes, be ready and open to received it.What I've went through didn't break me.It made my faith stronger and an powerful relationship with my Heavenly Father.My mess turn into a powerful message.You better believe that every test was a testimony. Thank you Jesus the lessons became blessings. But God gets the praise and glory. Thank you Jesus!

Melissa L. Bryant


It is time to reflect on the treasure that becomes ours when we receive the gift of God, the treasure of life and truth, and know for a certainty it is beyond price.Heavenly Father say ask, seek and knock.

Melissa L Bryant

 Start your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone and enjoy doing it.God bless and the best is yet to come.