Monday, June 10, 2019

Stop complaining!

Instead of complaining, we can choose thoughts and words that will lead us toward a solution, instead of keeping us stock in the problem.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Speak to your mountains!

My challenges to you today is to start speaking to those mountains in your life today.

Melissa L. Bryant
I'm here to encourage you!

Being here for you all in need is one of the most important things to me. No one deserves to feel lonely. I just want to give you words of wisdom to empower you, encourage, uplift and help you move forward. Everybody has a purpose. I know things are heavy right now and you feel like giving up. It's okay to cry! Be still and listen to our daddy's (GOD) voice because he's trying to tell you he cares and he hears your prays. He sees your tears and he's ready to wipe them away. As soon as you call out to him. He loves you. Please told throw in the towel this too shall past. Be blessed!

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to  me!

Don't let your past experiences haunt your future. Your dream must be bigger than your fear. Love is a beautiful thing when God is in it, it's real and true.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

I use to say this when I was single. Being single isn't bad. What's bad is giving up hope on finding someone special to love you or someone finding you to love you. Being single is an opportunity to bond with yourself and know who you are. It's time to seek God and go from there. You have time to heal until the love of your life find you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Just stand!

Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand. Through my struggles i stood alone and trusted God.

Melissa L. Bryant
Keep the faith!

It's easy to be grateful when things are well, not so easy when things are falling apart. Jesus is the light of my life even in my darkest of hours without him it would be impossible for me to go, keep hoping and keeping the faith. God has a plan for you even when you can't see it. Keep the love of God in your heart no matter what the world says. Keep your faith in things above and not on things on earth. Good is a sure hope and faithful in all things count on his grace and love.

Melissa L. bryant
Listen to me!

Learn how to stop putting all your business on society media. You better kept that enemy out your business. Learn to work in silence.

Melissa L. Bryant

How's everyone doing this morning? I pray all is well. It's been a long time since I've been blogging but I am back. Learn to be a blessing to someone. Whatever you're going through God is bigger than that situation.Move self out the way and let God fix it. Have a blessed day. I love you'll.

Melissa L. Bryant