Monday, July 8, 2019

Don't be ashamed!

Don't be ashamed of your trials and tribulations. It's your testimony to help others. When they see God working through you. It make them wonder about who is this God. Like Matthews 11:28 says come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. So no matter how difficult your life seem. God can help you please just trust him. My Jesus will give you forgiveness, and mercy Matthews 9:10-12 Let God make you marvelous. I was so wounded but God heal my heart. My father clean me back up. I am made whole again. Even when we are abuse. Were not responsible for this horrible thing that happen in our past. God forgives, heal and restores. He will set you free but you have to let go. Let today be the day you really let go. God blessed and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant

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