Saturday, December 11, 2021

Hold on!

 I pray everyone keep pushing and don't give up. no matter how hard it get. You  got this and you can make it. Hold on and keep praying.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Words of encouragement!


Everyone, how you all doing. I pray all is well. Well today has been a blessing. God has been so good to me! It has been so rough, but God made a way, We may not be grateful for the problem. But we thank God for what he's accomplishing in us through the problem. I learned to accomplish great things; we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe. I am a woman of vision, fighter, classical, powerful and unstoppable. It's the breakthrough I've been waiting for. I have positive beliefs about change, about life and about myself. I know that change will always bring something good in our life. I know I am resilient, strong and capable of getting through anything. You got to be what you want to see. Living without limits means living to your full purpose in life. If you want to be something, you've got to be it-to believe in it. You must keep God first and work hard for it. But you can't change your life unless you change your mind. Believe in yourself. Without God, the devil will fool you and have you going crazy. Therefore you have to strengthen your relationship with God and there will be no weaknesses, just adversity. I realized our life is telling us a story and it's about us. What is it telling? When we let Jesus walk in front of us, there is no need to worry what's behind us. God will give us the vision to see what he has already manifested for us. Have faith, my sister or brother and give it all to God. I thank God for the person I have become in my journey today. Have a bless day.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~