Monday, June 27, 2022

keep the hope!

 Hello family and friends,

I know you are feeling hopeless. But don't lose hope. I know it hard but this to shall pass. Keep your eyes on God and don't lose hope. He will never leave nor forsaken you. God got you bit you just have to trust his plan. His plan is better than I'll plan. It is in this seasons like this that we need to hold on to our hope more than ever before. Be encourage no matter what comes your way and don't lose hope.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Keep pushing!

 Hello everyone,

How you doing? I pray all is well. No matter what comes your way. You have to keep pushing. I know it's hard but don't give up. Your breakthrough is around the corner. God will guide you through your situation so please don't give up. Praise your way through it. I know easy said but done. But the Dr. said I had Lupus and I almost gave up. I battle this for two years. Guess what I don't have it. But I never stop praising God. I never stop reading my Bible. I never gave up. I knew I didn't have it no matter what the Dr. said. My faith was in God. So no matter what your situations is keep praying, keep pushing and trusting God. He will never leave you nor forsaken you. I love you all and be encourage no matter how hard it gets.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~