Wednesday, December 6, 2023


 many of us put a mask or defense that allows us to cope with our daily life. I wore a mask behind my hurt, pain, disappointment, abuse, dealing with the fact I was raped. I put on a mask to cover up everything I went through and what I was dealing with. I had to learn to stay silent with my secret pain, hurt or disappointment wasn't helping me or others to heal. God told me I needed to tell my story to heal and help others. I was worth saving. God has my back. God said he will never leave me or forsaken me. God made me whole again. I was worth saving and I don't have to wear makeup much unless I'm doing an event. I don't wear my mask anymore. I am a child of God. I'm not afraid to be true to myself. I'm not afraid to become the woman God needs me to become. I have taken off my mask forever. When are you going to take off your mask? Let today be the day you take off your mask. God bless! 

Author Melissa L. Bryant