Monday, March 11, 2024

No matter how hard it gets.

 Hello Kings and Queens,

How was your day? I hope all is well. I don't care how many times someone tells you no. Turn those no's into yes, I can with Jesus' help. never give up no matter how hard it gets or what comes your way. Never settle for anything less. You have one life and time don't wait on nobody. Hold your head up and the person God needs you to be. We all have a purpose, and you have to seek Jesus for yours. God will guide you along this journey call life. But you have to be obedient and follow him. Stay focus on God, your goals, your peace, and your happiness. Don't waste your time on anything that doesn't contribute to your growth. If you keep dwelling on the ifs, could have and should have. You better believe you're going to be in the same place going nowhere. Dream! Believe! Become! Don't you dare give up or throw in the towel. I know it's hard, but you got this. Please don't give up no matter how hard it gets, and I am praying for you. 

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Thursday, March 7, 2024

It's been a minute.

 Hello Everyone,

How are you doing? I know it's been a minute. Well I've been dealing with so much in life but I refuse to give up. I was having so much swollen in my stomach and upper shoulder. I had surgery and now I am healing. I finally got answers. My stomach was looking like I was 7 months pregnant but no babies. I went from 198 now 173 after the surgery. I struggles with this for a very long time and finally got answer. I am here to tell you Jesus was on time. I am healing spiritually, mentally, physical, and emotional. No matter what you are facing today please don't you dare give up or through in the towel. You got this no matter how hard it gets. If Jesus did it for me he will do it for you. If Jesus brought you to it he will get you through it. I am a witness. I am here because of him. I am praying. Don't forget to pray as well and read your Bible. Be encourage no matter what comes your way. You got this. Be blessed!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


 many of us put a mask or defense that allows us to cope with our daily life. I wore a mask behind my hurt, pain, disappointment, abuse, dealing with the fact I was raped. I put on a mask to cover up everything I went through and what I was dealing with. I had to learn to stay silent with my secret pain, hurt or disappointment wasn't helping me or others to heal. God told me I needed to tell my story to heal and help others. I was worth saving. God has my back. God said he will never leave me or forsaken me. God made me whole again. I was worth saving and I don't have to wear makeup much unless I'm doing an event. I don't wear my mask anymore. I am a child of God. I'm not afraid to be true to myself. I'm not afraid to become the woman God needs me to become. I have taken off my mask forever. When are you going to take off your mask? Let today be the day you take off your mask. God bless! 

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Don't Give Up!


I know you're tired and want to give up. Please don't threw in the towel. I believe in you and you got this.

We're in this together and it's going to be alright. You have to pray and trust God. Hold your head up and keep pushing. I am praying for and you will make it. Please don't give up no matter what comes your way. Don't give up. You got this.

Author Melissa L. Bryant 

Monday, June 27, 2022

keep the hope!

 Hello family and friends,

I know you are feeling hopeless. But don't lose hope. I know it hard but this to shall pass. Keep your eyes on God and don't lose hope. He will never leave nor forsaken you. God got you bit you just have to trust his plan. His plan is better than I'll plan. It is in this seasons like this that we need to hold on to our hope more than ever before. Be encourage no matter what comes your way and don't lose hope.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Keep pushing!

 Hello everyone,

How you doing? I pray all is well. No matter what comes your way. You have to keep pushing. I know it's hard but don't give up. Your breakthrough is around the corner. God will guide you through your situation so please don't give up. Praise your way through it. I know easy said but done. But the Dr. said I had Lupus and I almost gave up. I battle this for two years. Guess what I don't have it. But I never stop praising God. I never stop reading my Bible. I never gave up. I knew I didn't have it no matter what the Dr. said. My faith was in God. So no matter what your situations is keep praying, keep pushing and trusting God. He will never leave you nor forsaken you. I love you all and be encourage no matter how hard it gets.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Good morning!

 Good morning! Kings and Queens,

May your day be full of love, joy, happiness, peace, blessings after blessings. No matter what comes your way. Don't give up. God said he will not put too much on you that you can't bare. He's with you through the good and bad. Please don't throw in the towel. Keep holding on to God unchanging hand. Keep praying and trusting him. He cares and he loves you. this too shall pass. I love you all. God bless you all and the best is yet to come.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~