Monday, March 11, 2024

No matter how hard it gets.

 Hello Kings and Queens,

How was your day? I hope all is well. I don't care how many times someone tells you no. Turn those no's into yes, I can with Jesus' help. never give up no matter how hard it gets or what comes your way. Never settle for anything less. You have one life and time don't wait on nobody. Hold your head up and the person God needs you to be. We all have a purpose, and you have to seek Jesus for yours. God will guide you along this journey call life. But you have to be obedient and follow him. Stay focus on God, your goals, your peace, and your happiness. Don't waste your time on anything that doesn't contribute to your growth. If you keep dwelling on the ifs, could have and should have. You better believe you're going to be in the same place going nowhere. Dream! Believe! Become! Don't you dare give up or throw in the towel. I know it's hard, but you got this. Please don't give up no matter how hard it gets, and I am praying for you. 

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

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