Thursday, March 7, 2024

It's been a minute.

 Hello Everyone,

How are you doing? I know it's been a minute. Well I've been dealing with so much in life but I refuse to give up. I was having so much swollen in my stomach and upper shoulder. I had surgery and now I am healing. I finally got answers. My stomach was looking like I was 7 months pregnant but no babies. I went from 198 now 173 after the surgery. I struggles with this for a very long time and finally got answer. I am here to tell you Jesus was on time. I am healing spiritually, mentally, physical, and emotional. No matter what you are facing today please don't you dare give up or through in the towel. You got this no matter how hard it gets. If Jesus did it for me he will do it for you. If Jesus brought you to it he will get you through it. I am a witness. I am here because of him. I am praying. Don't forget to pray as well and read your Bible. Be encourage no matter what comes your way. You got this. Be blessed!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

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