Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Take your life back.

Take your life back.Why let the devil steal your joy,happiness,love,faith and peace? I learned your peace is trouble to the devil,because he doesn't want to see you make it. When you have peace he will not be able to touch you. Like Romans 8:6 says: "For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." When you read your word the (Bible) peace is our security guard.Therefore why let the devil steal your peace? It's in the word and God gave it to you.Now take your peace back.Take your life back.

Melissa L. Bryant
God will use anybody!

The best thing in the world is when you wait on the Lord.It might take a while but when he show up,he show out. God will never leave you or forsaken you.Life is about "overcoming"Becoming what God has created us to be happy,joyous and free. God want us to let go of the past and everything that's keeping us for being our self and doing his will everything is in God's hands,work for it. The success will follow you. I was taught as a little girl when you love God.It will work out for your good. I know for a fact prayer is what move God. Faith is knowing God. The Bible helps you defeat the enemy with God's help. God will use foolish things to cause you to progress. God can't do anything new in your life unless you let him torn you down.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, July 7, 2016

As a mother of four boys!

As a mother my heart goes out to these vitamins. I pray God gives them strength right now. We can't fight with violence we have to fight with that word and make a stand.We have to pray for our nation. We can't give up now. We have to keep praying. We have to come together and pray all over this world. Its too much going on. Pray warriors lets come together and defeat this enemy with powerful pray.

Melissa L. Bryant
I can't imagine!

I can't imagine what I would be without God. If he wasn't in my life or didn't pay attention to me how would I walk in this dangerous world ? I just can't imagine it after all the sin I have done. He still with me. he loves me, he forgives me,he cares for me, he walk with me everywhere and protect me especially when I go to bed.He has help me raise my children while I was a single parent.I need him every day of my life. I can't breath without him, I can't go on without him, I can't live without him. He gave us his only son to die for us on the cross and we still deceiving him. Thank you God for saving me, he change my life, he saved me and he love me Thank you God there's not enough words to say thank you. We can't lose focus of what's going on in the world.We got to come together and pray like never before.It's praying time!

Melissa L. Bryant

Every day I just want to tell you thank you for change in my life.It has been a long rough road but I made it. Lord you just keep improving and changing, Thank you for putting the axe at the root, and destroying generational curses out of my life. Thank you Lord. I praise you and love you! I'll never be the same after being with you Lord. I'll never be the same! I thank you for change in my life.

Melissa L. Bryant

Praying for Our Nation!

Praise two God be the glory.WE need a change in this Nation. What I mean by that? It's Simple! Let me break it down for you. Well for one: We turned our backs on the Lord! Well for two:We are accepting things like; abortions,same sex marriage,kids having power over parents. Well for three: We took the Lord out of schools and the White house."YES" the Nation need Jesus like never before.We need Jesus in America again! The Nation was founded by Godly principles.That's why we're in this mess. I remember when we could pray in school. The change we need now is pray.But pray back in schools and where it was.Obey that word (Bible) and start praying for our nation.

Melissa L. Bryant

Heavenly Father, Thank you for answering my prayers and performing miracles in my life every day. Just the fact that I woke up this morning and can take a breath is a gift from you. Help me to never take my health and loved ones for granted. Help me to always stand in faith and keep my focus on you when unexpected circumstances arise. In Jesus Name I seal this with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Amen

Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What would Jesus Do?

"You need to know how to handle your hurt without hurting others.It's going to be a time you will need to call on Jesus for help.When someone hurt you pray for them.Please don't do evil with evil that's not of God.Think about What would Jesus Do?

Melissa L> Bryant

Moments are precious!

Moments are precious, let God lead and they will always be worth while! A shift in your Life Will show you those Who really care about you and are proud of your growth. When your drowning in mess some people will cheer you on. But when you come back to shore.

Melissa L. Bryant