Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Stop letting people define who you are!

Stop letting people define who you are.
Your past doesn't define who you are.But yet you learn from your past.It’s about making a difference and following your passions. It’s about connecting deeply to what you believe in, and expressing your values to others.In fact, nothing defines you. Not one relationship, not one mistake, not one accolade, not one job, not one award, not one thing defines you.Nothing can define you.I know God define who I am in him and I let my light shine.People don't define who I am. I am a mother of five children four boys and one girl. A lot of people try to define me because of that and I didn't let it define me.I know who I am and what I can handle because God made me.I don't let outside circumstances rule who I am.I remove myself away from all the negative and just stay prayed up with what God told me.As I was going through I discover the things in my life that define who I am and who I will become.With that been said be careful who you allow into your circle of influence!Sometimes you find yourself trying to be like them and not yourself.Just be yourself the person God want you to be.Stop letting people define who you are because of your past.Everybody has a past but it doesn't define who we are.The older I get I learned my past was a lesson that turn into blessings after blessing.Are you going to stop letting people define you?I know I did a long time ago.
Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, November 28, 2016

I am following my destiny.God is amazing! I come too far to give up now.No matter how hard it got.I never lost my praise or faith. I held on to my mustard seed of feed. I never stop praying. You better believe I kept his word close to my heart. My story will make you cry but it will also blessed you. As you get to know me you see how strong my faith is. I never gave up and my life was rough. I lost my childhood at a early age. I grew up damaged and I knew God. At the time my faith wasn't strong but the older I got I start seeking God. After all the things I've been through I never lost my mind. I don't look like what I've been through.My God is amazing. My God has kept me. My God holds my destiny and he never gave up on me as well. I am a survive and I made it. Check out my story How she Fought the Full story on amazon.com. Paperback, hard copy or kindle. Thank you for all the love and support. no matter what you're going through just know God got you. Look me up on facebook as well Melissa Bryant. God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant

Check out my book on amazon.com paperback and kindle

Please check out my first coloring book on amazon and kindle.

Please check out my other parent book What A Child needs?
Check out my book of red now on amazon.com
Check out my other parent book on amazon.com

Check out my Parent book now on amazon.com
Please check out my new book Take your life back on amazon .com
I just can't stop praising God

Lord I give you all the praise and glory.Im still here and in my right mind
I love you and I can't live without you.I need you every day of my life. Yes Lord!

Melissa L bryant
God is amazing!

Wow! God is amazing. I just love spending time with him.He's showing me so much and I have so much joy inside.I feel amazing since I release so much Saturday. I'm just ready for what God has for me and my family. This is my season for greater.

Melissa L. Bryant
The thought of the day.

The thought of the day.In order to rise to your highest heights you have to fall(Fall hard)fall in order to rise all over again.There is no shame in falling,the shame is not having the courage to try.So please continue to rise,knowing you may fall even tho you can rise again thereby showing peoples.No matter how many times I fail or fall.I will get back up and do it again.Then you can say I made it.Yes I made it with God and me not giving up.Have a amazing rest of the day.God bless and yes you better believe the best is yet to come.

Melissa L Bryant

Where's the faith?

It's sad that so many peoples are caught up in their situation. Where's the faith? You don't trust God.

Melissa L Bryant
I am so thankful.

I am so thankful for my new life.I'm truly blessed to know who's my Heavenly father and how he has kept me over the years. I'm truly blessed to have an amazing husband who always has my back. I'm truly blessed for my amazing children. I'm truly blessed to be surrounded with amazing family and friends. I'm truly blessed to be a blessing to you all as well.Yes for once in my life I'm truly blessed and happy. My God is amazing. Greater is coming!

Melissa L Bryant

God has smile on you.

God has smile on you. He's been amazing to you. Tell God thank you. You're alive and still in your right mind. Thank you Jesus.

Melissa L. Bryant

Don't let nobody steal your joy.

Don't let nobody steal your joy. Because they didn't give it to you and they can't take it away. Do you hear me?

Melissa L bryant
Don't forget to leave it with God.

Don't forget to leave it with God. Don't forget to pray. Now get your praise on its working for your good. Be blessed! 

Melissa L Bryant

I got the juice for you.

I got the juice for you.Let me tell you what I know and heard.Wow! Are you listening? I don't like to gossip but I got to tell you this.Girl let me tell you right now. I know a man who supply all your needs. I know a man who loves you unconditionally. I know a man whos forgives. I know a man who cares.I know a man who will wipe all your tears.I know a man who hears your prays. I know a man who will never turn his back on you.The man that sits very high and know everything about you.His name is JesusLet me know when you're ready to met him.Be blessed!
It's time for a detox cleaning.

Gm! It's time for a detox cleaning. God is cleaning your life up.He's detoxing a lot out of your life.Are you ready to get clean up? Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone today.

Melissa L Bryant