Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Never let anybody make you feel like a nobody. Yes you made some mistakes in life. Some have records like been to jail or prison ect. But that doesn't mean for anybody to put you down. God has forgiven you and gave you another chance. Forgive yourself and move forward and be the person God needs you to be. We all have did some things in our life were not proud of. But that doesn't mean people needs to put you down. People you need to stop trying to be little people because of their past. I know you have did some things in your life. God forgave you so therefore forgive them and encourage them to do better. This is why so many peoples killing them self young and old. Everybody isn't strong! Remember that! Be blessed and encourage someone today.Be a blessing to someone.

Melissa L. Bryant
Mz. Fokus
Love yourself

You have to learn to love yourself. Learn to forgive yourself of your past mistakes. Loving yourself means that you accept responsibility for your own action. You accept your past and dealing with your present while moving forward into your future now. Love yourself and move on.

Melissa L. Bryant
Mz. Fokus

Life gives us everything we need, but we must learn to accept its gift and not turn them away. Life isn't so hard it's really what you make out of it.

Melissa L Bryant

I have learned you have more in you than you realize,and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. No matter what happens in your life, hold on to the truth; even if you don't always feel strong, seek God for strength and fight for your dreams.Don't give up on your life when things get rough. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come. ###HowSheFought

Melissa L Bryant


I finally understood the true meaning of the message God sends some of us.Yes through a struggle so that we have to depend on him to make it through.But when we stop imposing our own , will and let his will be done through him you come out on top.Life is never easy even with him,on your side but with him you will always make it.Cause without him the devil prevails even in small victory. He know your weaknesses but strengthen your relationship with God and their will be no weaknesses just adversity.To God be all the glory and praise! God is so amazing, I can testify that he has done just what he said that he will do.To those who do not believe in God,I'm telling you ,He has done so much for me in my life.I can only speak about what he has done for me.God is real just take Him at his word.God spared me for a reason and I just want to say Thank you Lord! I give you all the praises!Amen!

Melissa L Bryant
Don't stop praying for your children

As a praying mother never stop praying for your children...............The enemy is busy and we have to keep our children in pray..............
melissa l bryant

Be yourself and let your personality be the flavor that makes you different,you are your own original version of success.God give it to you so use the gift as he lead you along the way.God bless and the best is yet to come....

Melissa l bryant

Throughout life peoples will make you mad,disrespect you and treat you bad.Let God deal with the things they do,cause hate in your heart will consume you too.God bless and the best is yet to come......

Mz focus
Melissa L Bryant

Word of Advice: When you're trying to accomplish certain dreams, goals,and aspirations, HUSH your mouth🤦🏾‍♂️!! You can't tell EVERYONE your EVERY move! You'd be sadly surprise to know who's rooting AGAINST you, and DON'T want to see it happen for you👀! Try this method👇🏾and see if it works for you:
SHUT UP, go DO IT, and let them READ ABOUT IT, when they SEE IT.

Mz Focus

I have learned you have more in you than you realize,and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. No matter what happens in your life, hold on to the truth; even if you don't always feel strong, seek God for strength and fight for your dreams.Don't give up on your life when things get rough. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come. ###HowSheFought

Melissa L Bryant

keep trusting god

No matter how hard it gets don't stop praying.Keep trusting God! Everything I have been praying for is coming together and my heart is so full of joy right now.When you get your life line up with God everything starts coming together and you can't do nothing but keep on praising God.Stop playing with God.Stop lying to yourself it's okay to keep sinning because God for gives you.You better be careful before you get catch in your sin and it's to late.I rather have my soul save and to have eternal life then to burn forever in Hell.

Melissa L Bryant

Even during the times when life tries to push you down, you can rise above disappointment, negative words and bad situation as long as you don't lose sight of your value and God.God will give you the strength to stand strong in the midst of your storms.I had to learn even when it looked impossible, even when I really didn't see a way out, or even when I made bad decisions, God cares and with him you can overcome any storm in your life.He can open up the right doors and cause the right people to have favor on you.###HowSheFought

Melissa l bryant
I leave this with you today. As you stay in faith and really trust him, God will choose you even when people overlook you.Therefore, trust me; no matter what comes your way, you can face it with faith. ###HowSheFought

melissa l bryant

Don't give up!No matter how hard it gets you keep staNo matter  standing.nding.