Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I finally understood the true meaning of the message God sends some of us.Yes through a struggle so that we have to depend on him to make it through.But when we stop imposing our own , will and let his will be done through him you come out on top.Life is never easy even with him,on your side but with him you will always make it.Cause without him the devil prevails even in small victory. He know your weaknesses but strengthen your relationship with God and their will be no weaknesses just adversity.To God be all the glory and praise! God is so amazing, I can testify that he has done just what he said that he will do.To those who do not believe in God,I'm telling you ,He has done so much for me in my life.I can only speak about what he has done for me.God is real just take Him at his word.God spared me for a reason and I just want to say Thank you Lord! I give you all the praises!Amen!

Melissa L Bryant

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