Thursday, August 23, 2018

A strong woman!

A strong woman can deal with stress and carry heavy burdens. She smile when she feels like screaming, she sings when she feels like crying. She cries when she's happy,laughs when she's afraid. Her love is unconditional. There's only one thing wrong with her. She forgets what she's worth. A strong goes out her way for her family. A strong woman pray all the time. A strong woman gets tired sometimes. A strong woman knows she has strength in her journey, however a praying woman knows that in her journey is where she will gain her strength. As a strong woman I went through so much and did not give up. So many times I cried asking God for more strength. If I didn't pray. I wouldn't be that strong woman. Praying through trails, journey helps you gain strength, faith,wisdom and understanding. As a strong woman what ever you're going through. Don't stop praying and trusting God. the road is hard right now and God said it wouldn't be easy. But you're still standing strong. God made us strong. You know you're strength and it's okay to cry. But God got you and don't you forget that. A strong woman pray and hold on no matter how hard it gets. God got you! Don't you give up. Hold on to God's unchanging hand. Be blessed and stay strong.

Melissa L. Bryant

People try to do anything to hurt you!

The people who expose your weakness, do it because they are sacred of your strength. They are scared you're going to be successful. They want to see you fall so you would give up. But when you keep striving and push they don't understand. They try to do whatever to hurt you. But when you get back up it shock them. Keep pushing!

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, August 17, 2018

                                    Stop Running!

When you're running you find yourself having to constantly run further, harder, faster, to avoid what you are carrying within yourself. The further you run from your problems, the further you run from yourself. The harder it becomes to eventually find your way back home. it didn't matter to me if it was an unhealthy romantic relationship, my career, my children, a bill collector's phone calls, my past, when both of my grandmothers pasted or a persistent sadness that I couldn't seem to shake off, my solution was to avoid feeling it. That's because I believe that If I avoided my pain or worse. It would go away. If I ran in the opposite direction of my pain it would eventually go away. It didn't go away! No matter how hard  I ran. It was still there. Trust me! Yours won't either. If you're running away from your demons right now, I can promise you that they will be waiting for you when you finally decide to stop running. Even worse, at that point you'll probably be too exhausted and too burned out to deal with those demons. It's at that moment when they'll win. There's a much better way. It's going to require God and some courage in order to make it happen. If you've made sincere attempts to deal with the issue and nothing has worked, you're not running away from your problems if you choose to leave. you're making a conscious decision to positively reclaim your life. By running away it's numbing us to the pain by drowning ourselves in alcohol, drugs, overeating, reckless, gambling, sleeping around, excessive shopping, watching hours of television nonstop, sex or feel free to insert any other unhealthy habit here. But here's the painful reality that I wish I knew years ago. Our problems will continue to follow us and get bigger and stronger until we face them. The only way out of a problem is to pray and go through it. God bless!

Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Good Morning!

Good morning! How you all are doing? I pray all is well. I was just sitting here thinking sometimes we are so busy adding up our problems. We forget to count our blessing. Let today be the day you focus on counting your blessings and stop adding your problems.

Melissa Bryant

Monday, August 13, 2018

My Queens!

Every woman that walks this earth deserves to be treated as a Queen. You are the daughter of the king. You are not broken because God took those pieces and made you new again. Wear your crown with pride.  Never let anybody treat you like you are an nobody. You are a Queen! Walk like a Queen! Talk like a Queen! Act like a Queen. Be bless Queens and wear your crown Queens.

Melissa L. Bryant
Good morning!

I pray you start you day off with pray and praise. I'm blessed and thankful that God has graced us with a never quit spirit. I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.

Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

If you don't pray you won't stay. If you don't fast you won't last. This is what the saints of old school told me. If you are going to pray why worry? If you are going to worry why pray?

Melissa L. Bryant
Thank you!

Thank you for talking about me like a dog. Thank you for all your negative. Thank you for everyone whomever turned their back on me. Thank you for saying I will never amount to anything. Thank you! It made me stronger and I push harder to get where I want to be in life. Your negative inspire me for greatness. Never let negatively stop you for being great.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Listen to me:

Be free from the opinions of negative mindset people. How they perceive you is their perception. If they don't see you like Christ do. It means nothing! But how God sees you means everything. God made you and you are chosen. Each day you wake up is a day to inspire someone and live your life to the fullest. Be blessed!

Melissa Bryant
Listen to me.

Stop worrying about what people say or think. Live your life to the fullest. Stop chasing to other people approvals for your happiness. At one point of my life I struggle with this but God fix it and it doesn't matter to me anymore what people thank. My life is focuses on helping others heal. I careless what people think about me now. God is amazing and I am here because of him. Won't he do it.

Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me!

As I get older I am learning that every action doesn't need or deserve a reaction. When people bring up my past. I just listen because my past doesn't define who I am today. Plus I know I had a past but that doesn't stop me for who I am today. Everybody has a past but why let that stop you for greater. You don't always have to speak on your past. Let God fight your battle and you remain silent.

Melissa L. Bryant