Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Single people!

Being single is not a plaque. It's a time to let go of all the hurt. It's a time for forgiveness and healing. It's a time to get to know yourself. It's a time to upgrade yourself. It's a time to fix yourself. It's a time for God to restore you. It's a time to invest in yourself. It's a time to get to know the real you. This is the time you can take the responsibility for yourself to find your own happiness and not having to find it in others. Being single is a time for you to reevaluate, reset, renew, release, refresh and restart. It time to work on yourself so when God you with the one he has for you. Trust me you would be ready to love all over again. God bless you!

Author Melissa L.Bryant

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The word in the streets is that their asking about me. Well tell them I'm still standing by God's grace. Tell them I'm a fighter, tell them I'm a pray warrior. Tell them I went through the storms and It didn't break me. I am still here because of mercy and grace. God is amazing! 

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Stay away!

You have to stay away from negativity people. They will drain you. Pick your self back up and run away from those negativity people.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
I will never look back, I am looking forward and I will always show the world why I am great.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Let go!

Sometimes it takes more strength to let go than to hold on.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
I had to learn!

I had to learn most things in life that we want isn't always for us. So it's best we wait for God to give us what we need. I had to learn that the hard way.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Be careful!

Be careful how you talk to people!
Be careful how you treat people!
Be careful who you share your dreams with!
Be careful who you let into your world!
Be careful who you love!
Be careful!

Author Melissa L. Bryant


Stop expecting people to treat you like you treat them.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


No matter how much makeup, you put on that lie, when you look in the mirror, the truth shows on your face. Stop hiding behind the makeup.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Going through!

As you're going through your storms, remember whatever size your challenges are. God is bigger and you can always go to him for help.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Keep toxic people out your life.

Keep people in your life who encourage you pushes you motivate you. People who adds substance not people who take away your substance. Keep toxic people out your life.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Say it with me,

Today , I choose faith over fear, success over failure, greatness over lameness. Life over death. It is already done. In Jesus name Amen.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me:

If you're having trouble prioritizing your day, perhaps you've been trying to organize your life according to your own plans, not God's. I have learned you have to take your daily obligations and place them in God's hands.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Hello, Queen & Kings

It's your winning season so all of this other toxic, negative and hateful energy in the air has to go. This is your winning season and you got this.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
There is nothing to hard for God.

Listen to me Queen and Kings! There is no obstacle you cannot overcome in life. You are driven and determined and there is absolutely nothing you can't do. Once you set your mind to it. No matter how hard things get you have to stay focus and keep pushing. You can make it with God's help.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Stop worrying about what people say!

Sometimes we are so busy worrying about what people say about us. It doesn't matter how much good you do people are going to talk about you. Do not worry yourself if someone is talking about you (negatively). Like my grandmother always say if they talk about Jesus. You better believe they're going to talk about you. I don't care what nobody think about me as long as I'm inspiring and helping others. That's all that matter to me. Jesus died for our sins and people talked about him then and still is today. When people talk about you. They are thinking about you. If you are great at what you are doing. Keep on letting your light shine. No one can take it away. Stop focusing on what people think or say. Focus on inspiring and helping others. Stop worrying about what be think or say. Have a great day and be blessed.

Author Melissa L. Bryant