Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Stop worrying about what people say!

Sometimes we are so busy worrying about what people say about us. It doesn't matter how much good you do people are going to talk about you. Do not worry yourself if someone is talking about you (negatively). Like my grandmother always say if they talk about Jesus. You better believe they're going to talk about you. I don't care what nobody think about me as long as I'm inspiring and helping others. That's all that matter to me. Jesus died for our sins and people talked about him then and still is today. When people talk about you. They are thinking about you. If you are great at what you are doing. Keep on letting your light shine. No one can take it away. Stop focusing on what people think or say. Focus on inspiring and helping others. Stop worrying about what be think or say. Have a great day and be blessed.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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