Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Hold your head up!

Hold your head Queens and Kings.
I know you're tired and it's hard and touch.
But did God say it will never put too much on you that you can't handle.
Trust God no matter what you go through..
Please don't throw in the towel just yet and hold your head up.
Yes you my Queens and King hold your head up.
I'm talking to you Queens and Kings let me dry your tears and say a pray with you.
Heavenly Father I come to you for my Queens and Kings. Lord they are hurting and they need you right now. Please Lord take away their hurt and pain. Lord they can't do this without you. They need you right Lord and I praise you right now God for everything you're getting ready to do in this people life. Thank you Lord for healing, deliverance and setting them free right now. In Jesus name I pray Amen!
Now that I have prayed open up and give it all to Jesus. He's waiting on you my Queens and Kings just give it all to him. now hold your head up and live. Hold your head and received your joy, peace and victory right now. Just put a praise on it because you've been set free.
Hold your head up! God bless you and your better believe the best is yet to come. Hold your head up!

Much love,
Author Melissa L. Bryant

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