Thursday, January 10, 2019


Gm! How you all doing? I pray all is well. Let's talk about relationships. Sometimes a relationship can drain you if you're the only one in it by yourself. Sometimes you find yourself the only one fighting and that drain you. You give all the love and you're the only one trying to make it work. Well did you realize that you are draining yourself. You're being mistreated and the other person really don't care. Si why stay in it and keep fighting for something that is not real anymore. You can love a person and not be with that person. Sometimes things just fade away. Therefore stop focusing it to work because you are draining yourself trying to make it work. The person might not want to tell you but he or she might just be drain and tired and want to move on. Don't lose yourself trying to fight for something that isn't going anywhere. Stop fighting for a toxic dead relationship and move forward. God bless and the best is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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