Saturday, February 27, 2021

How you living?

 How you living? Are you living in fear or faith. Faith makes all things possible and fear hidden you for accomplishing thigs. Don't never loss your faith. Don't let fear take you out. You can do it just keep pushing. You got this and God got you. Stop living in fear and let your faith rise. Are you living day by day? Are you giving up? Are you enjoying life to the fullest? Are you afraid to live because of covid-19? Are you struggling with keeping the faith? Are you living in fear? Do you have faith of a mustard seed? Please share with me how you living. God bless!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Living behind the mask

It's funny how God was dealing with me so many times. You see I was living behind the mask for a very long time. So many times I wanted to take my mask off but I was so scared. I was scared that people would find out I was faking it or being something I'm not. I didn't want anyone to know my story. The story of being rape over and over again. Guns put to my head and I just wanted to die. But now I am sharing my story and I took off my mask. I written this book Living behind the mask and release it in Oct 2019 and March 2020 we start living behind the mask. God was preparing me to share my story and not be a shame of what I went through. He birth so much in me and I'm birthing out something amazing to blessed others. Be encourage and take your mask out. No more hiding behind the mask.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Are you happy?

Are you happy? Are you happy in your married? Are you happy with the person you are? Are you happy with your job? Are you just happy? Are you hiding from your true self? Talk to me.....

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, February 1, 2021

New everything

New everything

This is a new year, new month, new day to get it together. Put your past hurt behind and more forward. God has a purpose for your life. Please no matter what comes your way don't give up. You can make it no matter what comes your way. Be encourage and keep striving. I pray for you all and you pray for me. We keep each other lifted in pray. God bless!!!

Author Melissa L. Bryant