Saturday, November 13, 2021

Learn to accept change.

If you learn not only to accept change but also embrace it, God promises he will do a new thing in your life, and his new thing in your life will be amazing and much better than the old. Yes, change is always good, especially if you want to go to Heaven. therefore, embrace on what you have now and make the best of it. That's what we have to do in every area of our life. We can't say focused on where we though we should have been or what we though we should have had. We have to let go of the old and accept where God has us today. I have learned you have more in you than you realized, and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. No matter what happens in your life, hold on to the truth; even if you don't always feel strong, seek God for strength and fight for your dreams. Don't give up on your life when things get rough. Hold on this too shall pass.

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