Friday, September 23, 2016

It's time to get your house in order!

It's time to get your house in order. You better stop letting your children tell you what to do and running your household. Really! I will not have that and I have five. You better get in that word and listen to God and he will tell you what to do in getting everything back in order. God will placed people in your life and its up to you to listen and obey.It's time to get it in order.

Melissa L bryant
Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, show me what is preventing.Your love from shining through me toward others:Holy Spirit, because God loves us so much, help us to love our neighbor. We have never seen God, but if we love each other, we know that God will live in us and His love will be brought to full expression in us. Holy Spirit, we do not want to grieve You by the way we live. You are the One who has identified us as Your own, guaranteeing that we will be saved on the day of redemption. In this season of reflection and repentance, help us to let go of any bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, help us to be kind to all people, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven us.Break any bondage(s) that is keeping us from loving and caring for people.Help us as a Church Family to draw closer to God, our Father, and Jesus, our Lord, through loving each other. Holy Spirit, heal broken relationships.I thank you right now for everything you're getting ready to do in my life as well as my family.Thank you Jesus!

Melissa L Bryant

Forgive us!

Lord, forgive us for not loving and caring for all people. Forgive us for not loving You with our whole hearts. Forgive us for holding grudges and remembering old debts. Forgive us for judging others before getting to know them. Forgive us for being proud, impatient, stubborn, rebellious, or jealous. Please forgive us for not forgiving other people. Remind us to forgive others; and we shall be quick to forgive.

Melissa L bryant
Pray for you!

Father, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord, You are high above all nations, and Your glory is above the heavens. Who is like You, the Lord our God, who dwells on high, who humbles Yourself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth? You have declared, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Melissa L Bryant


When Christ comes into your life and you become a Christian, God gives you the resources to be a different kind of person. With the motivation, He also gives you the ability. He provides you with a new kind of love.Listen to me: Do you hear me? It was God's kind of love that brought you to Christ. It is this kind of love that is able to sustain and encourage you each day. Through His love in you, you can bring others to Christ and minister to fellow believers as God has commanded.

Melissa L Bryant

Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit comes to indwell your life. The Scripture says, "We feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." God is Spirit and the "fruit of the Spirit is love." When you are controlled by the Spirit, you can love with God's love.

Melissa L Bryant

Hebrews 11:6 says, "without faith it is impossible to please Him." Obviously there will be no demonstration of God's love where there is no faith.Everything about the Christian life is based on faith. You love by faith just as you received Christ by faith, just as you are filled with the Holy Spirit by faith, and just as you walk by faith.

Melissa L Bryant

Facing Difficulty!

If you have difficulty in loving others, remember that Jesus has commanded, "Love each other as much as I love you." It is God's will for you to love. He would not command you to do something that He will not enable you to do. In 1 John 5:14, 15, God promises that if you ask anything according to His will, He hears and answers you. Relating this promise to God's command, you can claim by faith the privilege of loving with His love.

Melissa L Bryant


God has an unending supply of His divine, supernatural, agape love for you. It is for you to claim, to grow on, to spread to others, and thus to reach hundreds and thousands with the love that counts, the love that will bring them to Jesus Christ.In order to experience and share this love, you must claim it by faith; that is, trust His promise that He will give you all that you need to do His will on the basis of His command and promise.

Melissa L Bryant
It's time for a change.

Whites who have hated blacks and blacks who have hated whites have discovered God's supernatural love for each other. Christian husbands and wives who were living in conflict have claimed God's love by faith, and miracles have resulted. Parent-child struggles have been resolved and generation gaps have been bridged through loving by faith. Disputes in working situations have been resolved. Enemies cease to be enemies when you love them by faith. God's love has a way of dissolving prejudice and breaking down barriers.

Melissa L Bryant

Nothing can overcome God's love.

I've known and witnessed, walked a life of love & forgiveness which has truly built the character of Christ within me...but never really fully grasped the concept that Faith is the Engine that makes His commandment to love others the mechanism that makes the commandment run..As in a Verb!..It takes you where you need to go!

Melissa L Bryant
Know God's Love!

It is wonderful to know the love of God. His grace and mercy is what we all need to be more like him in this world. The world needs to the love of God more than anything. Keep sharing love with all of your readers. God bless and keep you in his love always. God Speed.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I will push my children to be the best.

Young people please change what you explore yourself too.Change your decision and do what God say do.Don't let nobody change your character!Today has been a blessings.I spent most of my day at my son's high school.I just got home.Parents when you can pop on your child or children to see how their doing.I really enjoyed myself and my son was answering questions and got them all right. I take being a mother real serious.God is able! I pledge the blood of Jesus over my children's life right now.No weapon form against them shall prosper. They will make it and be somebody.I have five children.Three has graduate and two more to go.God is amazing! He gets all the glory because he did it.He gave me the fight,strength and power to do it.
You better say get behind thee satan.

Remember to always have faith in God. Lift those who betrayed you to God and he will deal with them.Forgive and move forward.Don't do evil with evil.Tell satan to get behind thee. do the right thing.God got you.

Melissa L. Bryant

Always know and realize when one door closed or shuts.You better believe God will open another one. Hold your head up high, walk through the doors that will begin to open.Never allow anything to tear you down but turn it into your stair step of growth.Your name and character should be known for good, not negativity or drama.It's the way you carry yourself. What you put in the atmosphere and attitude that matters. Don't mark your name and don't give people power. Live your life to the fullest.

Melissa L. Bryant

Don't stop praying!

Don't forget to pray, leave everything with God. We will go through ups and downs and storms of all kinds of weather. This is test to see if we seek him and rely on him as his word is bond. Don't stop praying and trusting God.Now that you left everything with him.Praise your way through that situation. God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant

Every time I keep fighting, trusting God and keeping my faith with a praise.God always show up and out. Letting me know I got you my daughter. It feels amazing knowing who really has your back and who loves you unconditionally. I am the daughter of the king and I don't want for nothing.

Melissa L. Bryant

Don't forget to pray and leave it with God. Now get your praise on it's working out for your good.Good night! Be blessed! God loves you and I do to.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thank you Lord!

Thank you Lord for letting me see another day. It's truly a blessing. Don't forget to pray. Now start your day off with worship and praise.Expect nothing but greatness today.Hold your head up and keep on pushing your way through that situation. God got you. Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant


Sometimes you have to just be silent. Stop speaking on everything you see or hear what somebody told you.Really! Let God fight your battle not you. Obedience, being humble and silents works all the time. You should try it some times.

Melissa L. Bryant

Just wait on it!

Just wait on it. You will have to go through some life's situations.To be able to understand how real Jesus is, you can't never know how to hold on to Gods hand. Until one day you find yourself in a situation that you thought was worth holding on too.

Melissa L. Bryant
Hold your head up!

Hold your head up! Stand! Praise your way through that storm.God has smile on you.Live your life to the fullest.My God is amazing! My God is awesome!Let me inform you right now.Don't give up! You have made it! Now get your praise on.You made it!Thank you Lord for everything!When you're feeling some type of way. Just call of Jesus!I'm praying that God meet all your needs according to his riches and glory in Jesus name Amen.

Melissa L. Bryant
I know It gets hard.

I know it gets hard.Never give up! God hears your cry and He hears your prays.I was there once and I have been there many times.However He always is there to see us though. 
He never leave us or he never forsake us so you can always trust in God's Word.God bless you all. Like (Psalm 23:4) says "Yea though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me." He's telling us we are never in these dark moments on our own. We got to go through our worst days to get to our best days. Do you hear me? So keep on pressuring on. Don't stop praying to God everyday. I guarantee you that he will bring you through that storm. I just want to say thank you Lord for covering my life every day I was born.I'm so humble and grateful for your grace mercy & most of all love.Thanks for never giving up on me which has taught me how to never give up. God you're amazing.

Melissa L. Bryant
God die on the cross for our sins. 

Why you stressing? Don't forget to pray.Don't forget to leave it with God.Please don't pick it back up.Now get your praise on it's working out for your good. Good night! Be bless!

Melissa L. Bryant

Stop worry if people like you or not. God got you!
Thank you for telling me no.
Thank you for being fake.
Thank you for lying to me.
Thank you for turning your back on me.
Thank you for your betrayal. 
Thank you for all the negatives.
Thank you for that pain you cause.
I say thank you and gave it to God.
Now he's blowing my mind.
He also told me to forgive you and I do.
That's why I'm free!

Melissa L. Bryant
Take a step back and pray about it.

Take a step back and pray about it. When you stop blaming others for your fault. Realize it was you! Then you give God room to use you.Forget about the old stuff and reach for what God has for you.Life is like a river that flows.Every breath we take is a gift from God.

Melissa L. Bryant

Though my pain!

Through my pain I saw who I was.Lord please heal their pain.Let them walk closer to you. Do you want to be closer to God? I know I do.

Melissa L. Bryant
I'm not trying to fix in.

I'm not trying to live like everybody else. I just want everything my dad has for me and my family.I'm not trying to fix in.I'm already in because my father is the creator. He has me and I know my worth and who I am.

Melissa L. Bryant

Good afternoon!

Good afternoon! Be humble! Spread your wings and fly.Help others along the way.Be true to yourself. Let your light shine.

Melissa L. Bryant
I don't want Your gift or talent

I think God for my amazing team. I think God for using me. I think God that I'm able to encourage you all. I thank God for me helping others with their books and ect.It feels amazing to see somebody make it when you was able to inspire them.It's so many people trying to out do each other when we need to inspire each other. Trust me I don't want your gift or talent.I have enough on my plate. I just want to see you as a better person. Stop trying to put others down.That's not of God! Really! God had somebody to get you where you needed to be. Get humble and focus on God. Be the person God needs you to be.

Melissa L. Bryant
Be wise!

I learned from a wise woman Yolonda Jordan my big sister. When someone hurt you why put it on social media. That's not of God. Let it go! Silent is the best key. That's why I have so much joy. We as Christians needs to encourage each other and stop it with the mess on social media. God had to humble me down from that.I think him for that because my character is important to me and him.I must live that life I speak. Let's stop trying to hurt people on social media. If that person hurt you talk to God about it. Let go move forward. Its healing time. Your character is very important. God is watching you. Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant