Thursday, September 15, 2016

I know It gets hard.

I know it gets hard.Never give up! God hears your cry and He hears your prays.I was there once and I have been there many times.However He always is there to see us though. 
He never leave us or he never forsake us so you can always trust in God's Word.God bless you all. Like (Psalm 23:4) says "Yea though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me." He's telling us we are never in these dark moments on our own. We got to go through our worst days to get to our best days. Do you hear me? So keep on pressuring on. Don't stop praying to God everyday. I guarantee you that he will bring you through that storm. I just want to say thank you Lord for covering my life every day I was born.I'm so humble and grateful for your grace mercy & most of all love.Thanks for never giving up on me which has taught me how to never give up. God you're amazing.

Melissa L. Bryant

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