Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Never base your đź¤”decisions on the advice of those who doesn't have to deal with the results.
It's your life🕇☛

Melissa L Bryant

We won't survive without God!
Some of us give up to quick, that's why we do not get all that God want to give us.Trust, and believe.Don't give up.

Melissa L Bryant

Don't waste time waiting on other people to approve what God already affirmed!Expect God to bless you today!

Melissa L Bryant

No matter what you are going through give to Jesus.Never give up on your dreams.No matter how hard it gets. You can make it remember this:IF YOU CAN TAKE IT YOU CAN MAKE IT.You have to work in silent and don't left your left hand know what your right hand is doing. You have to train your mind to being positive no matter how hard it seem.Remove all negativing peoples out your life.You have to push yourself and stay focus.You have to believe that you will become great and you will make it.Trust God! Pray and hold on to your dream.Don't forget to put work behind it.

Melissa L Bryant

My challenges inspired me to go hard while holding on to my faith.Trusting God all the way.Live for a purpose.Sometimes you just have to raise your hand telling God thank you.Keep pressing on! Keep holding on!

Melissa L Bryant

I don't regret nothing I've been through. It made me the person I am today.To all my amazing single parents you can accomplish anything in life.keep God first and don't give up.

Melissa L Bryant

It's time we come together and pray.Stop talking about negative things and just start praying for them.You want a change. You be the one to change.We need less complaining and more praying. Pray for our nation! It's praying time.Wake up my people and start praying more.

Melissa L bryant

Pray for our nation! God bless America!

Melissa L Bryant

Lord I'm staying in the need for these people. Lord please let no harm come to them as well as us.Protect us Lord we trying to come together and get it in order. We thank you right now for everything you're doing in our life. We thank you right now for protection and keeping us safe.We thank you Lord for the rain.We thank you right now for healing and saving us.We thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you Jesus for everything. Amen!

Melissa L Bryant

I have learned sometimes you got to turn away from peoples and your problems or situations.Fall down on your knees and pray unto the Lord.Don't give no opportunity to the devil.Use your power and take your life back with God helping you.

Melissa L Bryant

Pray before you go to bed.Pray when you wake up. Pray before you get in your car, truck,van and suv.Pray before you pull out your drive way. Pray over your family, animals, Business, financial, house.Pray before you walk into your office or job or school. Pray when you leave your office or job or school.Pray for your children or spouse before they come in the house.Just don't stop praying. It's praying time!

Melissa L Bryant

Pray before you talk on the phone.Pray when you get off the phone. Pray before you get on social media. Pray when you get off social media. I'm telling you its getting serious and you need to stay cover.Get your word (Bible) like never before. Trust God! Don't worry about wants going on in the world. Focus more on God.Pray pray pray pray.Do you hear me pray and trust God.

Melissa L Bryant

We need thee every min, second and hour. We need thee. Yes Lord we need thee. Help us Lord we need thee. My heart says yes Lord. Yes Lord from the top of my soul.Yes Lord! Have mercy on their soul Lord.We need thee. Forgive them Lord.Yes Lord I praise you right now in all that I go through. I thank you for saving my soul.I thank you for cleaning me up.I thank you for making a way out of no way.I thank you for being amazing to me. Yes Lord! I praise you right now. I made it and I thank you right now. Yes Lord! Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah. Thank you Jesus! My my my my! Yes Lord! Praise your way through this storm.Thank you Jesus! God bless!

Melissa L. Bryant

Life is about "overcoming" + becoming what God has created us to be.Happy, joyous and free.Letting go of anything that keeps us for being our true self" so that we can serve humanity and God as better human beings.

Melissa L Bryant

It's sad here in Albany so many people's lost a lot and 6 students dead.My heart goes out to all the families and victims. Lord give us strength this is really sad.I don't know you're plan and I trust you.Tell me how to help these peoples. Show me! Guide me! So much pain right now. I need thee.

Melissa L Bryant

 Start your day off with pray and praise. It's so many people's that has lost a lot. Some are dead.We need to be praying and helping others. We have to comfort one another. Yesterday I found out my son's god-father has passed. That's the hardest thing he had to deal with.We just don't know when our time is up.Be positive and give more love.Its time out for all this foolishness. Have a blessed day. Be a blessing to someone and stop all this foolishness.

Melissa L. bryant

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I felt like a caterpillar stuck.Once I gave it to God.Then I blossom into a blessed butterfly.It's time you blossom like a butterfly and stop being stuck like a caterpillar. Have a blessed night. Don't forget to pray and leave it with God.

Melissa L Bryant
Tough times don't last, but tough people do.

Melissa L Bryant
I have been set free. I am spreading my wings and flying high.Thank you Jesus!

Melissa L Bryant
God has open my eyes to a lot.I am just saying thank you Jesus.I ask God to reveal some peoples to me.I was told to watch and listen.When he reveal those peoples to me.I was shock these were the peoples trying to destroy me. I'm here to tell you.Once again your plan didn't work.I am cover! I think God for my Angel he had watching over me.I am working n silent for awhile.The less the enemy knows the better it is.God is amazing and always on time.My career is full force and I am excited with everything God is doing in my life.

Melissa L Bryant
If you really want something told tell it and watch everybody will know.Learn how to stop telling your busy.Silent keep them wondering.Let your work speak for itself.

Melissa L Bryant
I pledge the blood of Jesus over my family,friends,page and fans.No weapon form against us shall prosper or will prosper.Thank you Lord for your word.You better stay cover there's a lot of snakes out there.Please stay in the word(Bible) for strength and power.

Melissa L Bryant

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The challenger I had to face.

The day I found out my oldest son was battling cancer, it was like my world has ended.I was speechless and couldn't believe it.I felt to my knees and just start talking to God.We had been through so much like the struggle,my middle son trying to kill himself,my baby boy was trying to be in the games then this.Yes my heart was about to break and I was Lord I just can't handle this.So many peoples in the family was talking negative. I had to remove myself from them and focus more on God.When I would talk to my son at times I really didn't know what to say.It was hurting me bad inside and I couldn't tell him.My grandfather on my father's side died from cancer.I had lose a lot of peoples to cancer.I didn't want to lose my son.At times I felt like he didn't love me because he wouldn't tell me anything and I was hurting so bad inside.I would get alone and just cry myself to sleep and I didn't eat anything for about three days.My world was falling a part he was about 3 1/2 hrs away from me and I couldn't get to him.At times I felt like he didn't want me around and I was hurting even more.I went through so much with my children and I gave up so much to raise them. But when I start realizing I couldn't save him and stayed more on my knees.I let go and gave it all to God.At times we were bumping heads about this cancer and I didn't want to upset him so I back off and trust God.I prayed,cried,read my Bible,stayed focus and start praising God even more.I knew what he told me and I knew everything was going to be alright because of what God showed me.When he call I just would listen more and not say anything.I let him know I love Him.Like I said before I remove all the negative peoples out my life.So many peoples was telling me he wasn't going to make it and I would say God got it.I knew my son was hurting at times but he still remain strong.I knew how I raised my five children,four boys and one girl.No matter what you go through to keep fighting and don't give up.Trust God and everything will be alright.While I was dealing with this deep inside nobody ask me how I felt.I am the mother who care for her children and nobody took the time to see how I really was dealing with this deep pain inside.At work I had support and One day I just broke down crying and they start praying with me as well as being their.It was so hard to deal with.When I was out and about I would have a smile on my face but deep down inside I was really hurting.My best friend Angel was their the hold times encouraging me and helping out with other things as my son needed.It was very hard to deal with but joy comes in the morning.One day he call and said mom,guess what I don't have cancer any more.I was screaming telling God thank you with tears of joy in my eyes.God has answer my prayers my baby is cancer free.That was a change for me but I realized God don't make no mistakes and he want put too much on you that you can't handle.You have to keep the faith of a mustard see and hold on because joy comes in the morning.God is real and always on time.At times I felt like my son didn't love me but when we talk everything felt in place.All I ever wanted for my children was love,no matter how hard life comes at you to never give up and always trust God.God is amazing because my son never gave up he kept fighting and God gets the praise and glory.I am free and happy with everything God is doing in my children's life.God is amazing and always on time.

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, January 9, 2017

Where's all my roll tide? Roll call roll tide! Who's going for Alabama? Roll Tide! I have been an fan since I was 14 years old and I am ready for this amazing game.How was your day? I pray all is well.Don't get stress out on things you can't fix.Just give it to God and everything will be alright.Trust God! Enjoy your evening a well as the game if you're watching it.Thanks for all the love and support as well as keeping up with me.God bless and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L Braynt

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Stop complaining!

If you beat yourself up for being too negative,you're simply reinforcing the pattern,not breaking out of it.It's time to stop beating yourself up and live.Please stop fighting and surrender instead of resisting the negativity and accept God's peace.Stop complaining and start telling God thank you for what you have now.We have to learn how to appreciate the things we have now so God can bless us with even better and more.When you start complaining it's denial of taking responsibility.When you catch yourself complaining,stop and look around at where you're at in life.Now tell God thank you for seeing another day and letting you wake up in your right mind.It's time to stop complaining.Please stop complaining if you are a big complainer.Let today be the day you take a week or two and not say anything at all unless it is positive,encouraging or uplifting.Make yourself feel better.Why complain when you have choices like these you can make?I started reading my Bible more and stopped complaining and I am living with peace.I have so much peace in my life now.First,you need to accept yourself just the way you are.I used to complain about my life for not being able to accomplish things that I had aspired to be in life.But I had to heal first so I could move on and be who God needs me to be.Please stop complaining and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, January 6, 2017

Let's build each other up.

If we could love one another and make a habit to encourages others.This world would be a better place.If we would stop looking at the color of skin and just love one another.This world would be a better place.We need to start with our children and plant better seeds of love,happiness,helping others and success.This world would be a better place.If we could make a habit of lifting each others up,giving love,support,praying with them.Life wouldn't be such a heavy burden for them to carry.God loves us.Why can't we love back.Let's build each other up with more love and support.God bless and I love you all.

Melissa L. Bryant
Trust God!

I don't know what you're going through tonight.But I do know God is bigger then that problem.I know sometimes you feel like giving up.But God say hold on awhile longer.Don't throw in the towel right now.Your break through is around the corner.Hold on my sister,brother and children.God is on his way just keep trusting him and everything will be alright.

Melissa L. Bryant
Wait on God.

Trust God no matter how hard it gets. Trust in his timing and not yours.God is always on time! He's just testing you to see how long will you stand.

Melissa L. Bryant
God is bigger then that situation.

It's 2017 why you still dealing with that situations. If you can't fix it,let it go and give it to God. Why you keep stressing yourself out about things you can't change.Do you not know God has everything you need? He has already won the race for you.He just won't you to finish it. Let go and give it to him.This is a new year,new beginning,new chapter and new life.It's 2017 a better year full with blessings after blessings.

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, January 2, 2017

Live better in 2017!

My best friend and I was talking about life. She told me something and without talking about it.This is what I came up with.Why ask for something and that's not what you really want? Why pray for something and you really don't appreciate it when you get it. I don't understand that but only God knows.

Melissa L. Bryant
Happy New Year 2017

It's a new year and everything is left in the pass.
Don't bring your problems into 2017.
You left them in 2016 so move forward.
It's a New year and new beginning.
God has been amazing to you and don't forget.
Don't focus so much on the if's and what you should have done.
Start fresh and pressure on like never before.

It's 2017 and we made it another year.
Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant