Saturday, January 7, 2017

Stop complaining!

If you beat yourself up for being too negative,you're simply reinforcing the pattern,not breaking out of it.It's time to stop beating yourself up and live.Please stop fighting and surrender instead of resisting the negativity and accept God's peace.Stop complaining and start telling God thank you for what you have now.We have to learn how to appreciate the things we have now so God can bless us with even better and more.When you start complaining it's denial of taking responsibility.When you catch yourself complaining,stop and look around at where you're at in life.Now tell God thank you for seeing another day and letting you wake up in your right mind.It's time to stop complaining.Please stop complaining if you are a big complainer.Let today be the day you take a week or two and not say anything at all unless it is positive,encouraging or uplifting.Make yourself feel better.Why complain when you have choices like these you can make?I started reading my Bible more and stopped complaining and I am living with peace.I have so much peace in my life now.First,you need to accept yourself just the way you are.I used to complain about my life for not being able to accomplish things that I had aspired to be in life.But I had to heal first so I could move on and be who God needs me to be.Please stop complaining and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Melissa L. Bryant

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