Saturday, October 21, 2017

Rape or Abuse!

We should decry abuse in any form,whether it's verbal or physical. We should do everything we can to redeem and help bring the abuser to a point of repentance and a change in behavior. Women, you are too precious and beautiful to allow a man to beat you. I understand that women do beat men, but this piece is devoted to a women, who are unquestionably the greatest victims of physical and emotional abuse. A man does not have to physically hit you for it to be abuse. The most damaging abuse is emotional abuse because it can be more difficult to overcome. If your man is emotionally abusing you, please get out of the relationship with him. I have seen too many men who emotionally abuse their women and do not see the tremendously violence that they are doing to them. You don't own these women men so why are you doing this! When a man emotionally and physically abuse a woman, he is a coward. Women, when these men start yelling at you trying to intimidate you, please call the police. Call the police on men who are legitimately trying to intimidate you and who have a strong possibility of putting their hands on you in a violent way. Stop the violence today! We are losing too many women to rape and abuse.

I was a victim of abuse,rape and violence. God kept me and I am here to share my story. I made it! My best friend was killed due to violence in her marriage and I can't get her back. Please don't lose your life over this. It's not worth it! As for me, I'm not standing by "helpless" again. I'm taking a stand. Rape and abuse is not okay. Abuse and rape is not love. Rape and abuse needs all of us to speak up with one clear message. Stop the pain! Stop it now! Don't become a victim of someone else's undisciplined lifestyle!

No means no remember that!
Stop saying he didn't mean to do it!
Stop saying you made him do it!
Stop making excusing for him!
Use your voice!
Make a stand!

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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