Monday, November 26, 2018

Good Morning!

How was everyone thanksgiving? I pray it was full of joy, peace, love and blessings. Now that it over it's still we hit the gym. I know I ate too much food. But it was truly a blessing to spend time with family and friends. God is amazing. We should be spending as much time as we can with our family. We should be thankful everything. So many people are dying and the only time family comes together is for the funeral. We need to spend more time together now before it's too late. We need to get and give our flowers now before it's too late. Happy belated Thanksgiving! God bless and the best is yet to come. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Monday, November 19, 2018

Good morning!

Good morning! Kings and Queens! How's your morning so far? I pray all is well. You be the change you wish to see. A change is good. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Our thoughts!

Our thoughts affects our actions. Our actions definitely invite reactions positive or negative. Our actions reveal our choices and our choices reveal where we really live in our hearts. Therefore we need to deal with the root of our heart condition in order to implement positive change and get the results we want in every area of our lives. It's time for a change. God bless you and the best is yet to come. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Deal with your pain before it take you out. I learn when you don't face your pain it will take you out. Let today be the day you turn your pain into participation. Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
God is amazing!
My book How She Fought The full story is in Ingram Advance magazine. It's truly a blessing this is my life story and I made it. Dealing with being rape and I'm able to talk about it. It's God and I never would have made it with out him. Please check out my book on, Barnes & Nobles and Books-of Millions.

God bless you! Much love!
~ Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Friday, November 16, 2018

Stop sleeping on your dreams!
Sometimes we get so stress and tired and we want to give up. But no matter how hard it gets you don't have to give up. It doesn't matter how many times you fail just don't give up. You can't kept sleeping on your dreams. It doesn't matter how many No's you get. Get up off the sofa or got that bed and finish what you started. You can make it no matter how hard it gets. Success don't come over night. You can to put in hard work every day. Trust me I know that's why I work extra hard because I am going to make it. Stop sleeping on your dreams. Get up and fulfill it today. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come.
Much Love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Check out my book How She Fought The Full Story on My book talks about healing, deliverance, being set free, forgiveness, hurt, pain and moving forward. That's me Melissa L. Bryant.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Check out my book on books-of-millions How She Fought by Melissa L. Bryant. My book talks about the struggles of having money and losing it all. Healing, deliverance and moving forward. I made it and you can too. God bless!

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Stop Running!

We have to stop running from our problems. We have to face our problems We have to deal with our problems. If we don't face our problems. Our problems with end up taking us out. Let today be the day you make a stand and face your problems today. Please feel free to check on my book on

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Me too!

Yea I was molested, rape, abuse. Yea I almost lost my mind. Yea I felt nasty and I scrub my body so hard I thought my skin was going to fall off. It felt so disgusting and I wanted to die. I never understood why someone would even think about hurting others. Me too!. It's a pain you have to learned to deal with but will always be there. At time I wanted to throw in the towel because he was hard dealing with so much pain. But I learn how to deal with it once I faced it. I had to get spiritually help and emotionally help. I was so damage. I prayed cried and finally God heal me. I had to go through so much hurt and pain. So I could help the next girl or boy to heal. But through God grace and mercy that has kept me I made it.God bless!

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Take your Life back!

Let today be the day you take back everything the devil stole from you. Check out my book on Take your life back.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Give it all to god!

I just had to give it all to God. I let go and let God take control. Prayer change things.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~


Stop letting that situation bring you down. When you have a God bigger than that situation. God got it and you just have to trust him. Seek Him! Praise Your way through it. Yes put a praise on it.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Good morning!

This week is almost over yet your blessings and accomplishments are just beginning. God continue to work miracles and  bless us in spite of our short comings. Be thankful! Be glad, be happy ( it's your choice) but most important be a blessings to others. If no one has told you I love you it's okay. Because God loves you and I do to. Guess what there's nothing you can do about it. Have an abundantly blessed and awesome day. Love! live! Life!. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come.

Much love
~Author Melissa L. Bryant~
Life lessons!

Life lessons today isn't it ironic. We ignore those who love us, adore those who ignore us and love those who hurt us. Let's change out focus today. Thank you and God bless you. The best is yet to come.

Much love!

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I'm that girl!
I'm that girl who felt out of place. I'm that girl who tried to fit in. I'm that girl who was shy. I'm that girl that everybody pick on. I'm that girl who wouldn't fight back. I'm that girl who was raped. I'm that girl who was looking for love in all the wrong places. I'm that girl who tried to commit suicide. I'm that girl who just didn't care anymore. I'm that girl who had to bury all her pain. I'm that girl who had to be strong and not cry. I'm that girl who had let people intimidated her. I'm that girl who was broken inside. I'm that girl who was afraid to stand, strong and tall. I'm that girl who became promiscuous. I'm that girl who hated herself. I'm that girl who became depressed. I'm that girl! Yea that's me! I'm that girl who felt down to her knees and stay praying. I'm that girl who had to trust God and seek him like never before. I'm that girl who prayed every day that God lead her and keep her covered. You see If I wouldn't went through what I've been through as that girl. I wouldn't be that girl that turn into the woman I am today. Author Melissa L. Bryant who was that girl.

God blessed and the vest is yet to come. Much Love Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Good Morning!

Good Morning Queens and Keep. Don't forget to start your day off with pray and praise. Whatever you're going through give it to God. Trust him! Keep the faith and stay you some more courage and keep holding on. God is truly amazing. God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come. Much love!

Author Melissa L. Bryant