Wednesday, October 20, 2021

God is in Control!


God is in Control

I know you're hurting and you feel like giving up. But remember God is in control. Don't throw in the towel this too shall past. It can be difficult to imagine why God would ever let someone suffer, but the truth is that God is always in control. Nothing happens in your life that He is not aware of. God cares for you. God has a great plan for your life! He knows that you will struggle through painful situations, but He can sustain you during the worst of times. God hears your prayers and he's wiping your tears. We can rely on God when we are struggling, because we know He is in control. God loves you and I do too. Be encourage no matter what comes your way. Hold on to God unchanging hand. Trust him! Seek him! Get a relationship with him. God bless and the best is yet to come.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

My birthday!

 My Birthday!

I am truly blessed yesterday I turn 46. I am truly blessed because I am still in my right mind. No I didn't do much but it was still a blessing. Co-workers took me out to eat and we had an great time. Family, friends and fans showed so much love with blessings, love, gifts, texts and support. This birthday was different because I was more grateful and thankful for everything. God has shine on me and he gets the glory. I just thank God for everything I went through and I am still living to spread love. So much going on in this world that we need love. Have a blessed evening and the best is yet to come.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Keep smiling

 Keep smiling no matter what comes your way. I know things are rough right now but don't stop smiling. Bills are due and I understand that but don't stop smiling. We got to smile through these tough times. Keep praying and trusting God as well. You got this with that smile on your face. Don't stop smiling no matter what comes your way. Keep smiling like the start you are. Be blessed! 

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Don't give up.

It's so much going on in the world. I  know you're tired and wants to give up. Please no matter what comes your way. Keep holding on and trusting God. But don't give up. God bless and I love you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

A man come and go.

 A man may come and go, but my God won't turn his back on you. As a single parent, we go through things to make us stronger. I know your dreams was to stay married too your first lady and have all your children by him. But sometimes things don't work out like that. But at least you have your children to love you while you work on yourself. A man come and go especially when they can't get their way. Take this time to love on yourself and spend time with you children. They need you to get in order and not worry about a man. When you less expect it he will show on and it will be on time. Have a blessed day.........

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, October 11, 2021

 God will give you peace.

God will give you peace in your storm. Do you trust him? No matter what you are going through. Don't give up. God will give you peace. I know you are tired. I know you want to give up. But hold on trouble don't last always. Hold your head up and know you're going to make it. I am here to tall you God will make a way. trust him.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, October 10, 2021

 How you doing?

Are you reading and staying to relax your mind. I know so much going on in the world but don't dwelling on it. Keep your eyes on God no matter what comes your way. Be encourage and God bless you all.

Let's keep each other in prayer. I love you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, October 8, 2021

 Take your life back!

It's important for you to remember that no matter what your situation that you always have options to choose from. You may have the feeling now that you are not in control of your life; sometimes this happens as result of your own actions, but you can take your life back. Take your life back! Learn how to stop dwelling on your problems and how to stand strong with faith. Take back everything the enemy has stolen from you. Take back your joy, hope, peace, love, family and faith. It's time to make a stand and face that devil today. God has a plan for your life. The moment I learned to stop relying on people for my happiness. That's when I found it! My struggles taught me how to make something out of nothing. God and my family push me to strive for the best. Keep strong! Keep the faith! Keep standing! Allow God to work! Praise your way out. Change is hard but it's also good. It is important for you to make sure that you can cope with the situation. You also need time for yourself to deal with your own emotions and thoughts. Let today be the day you take action, take whatever steps you can to get your life back from the devil. Please keep a positive mindset no matter how hard life gets.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~