Wednesday, October 20, 2021

God is in Control!


God is in Control

I know you're hurting and you feel like giving up. But remember God is in control. Don't throw in the towel this too shall past. It can be difficult to imagine why God would ever let someone suffer, but the truth is that God is always in control. Nothing happens in your life that He is not aware of. God cares for you. God has a great plan for your life! He knows that you will struggle through painful situations, but He can sustain you during the worst of times. God hears your prayers and he's wiping your tears. We can rely on God when we are struggling, because we know He is in control. God loves you and I do too. Be encourage no matter what comes your way. Hold on to God unchanging hand. Trust him! Seek him! Get a relationship with him. God bless and the best is yet to come.

~Author Melissa L. Bryant~

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