Thursday, August 25, 2016

God always leaves me speechless

God is so amazing and I give him all the praise. He always leaves me speechless.No matter how hard the devil comes at me.I won't be defeated! Because God has me! Thank you Jesus, to God be the glory. I praise you in all I go through.I know who I serve and what the Bible says. i stand by your word and I thank you God for everything you're getting ready to do in my family life right now. One thing I do know if you fall God will pick you up. He's an forgiven God! He cares! He hears your prays! He's wiping your tears right now. Do you hear him? Listen! Open your hears because he's talking to you right now. So what you messed up. God has forgiven you. Go look into that mirror and forgive yourself. You are loved.Do you feel loved? God has clean you inside out. God will never fell you.My God is amazing and he always leaves me speechless. He's always blowing my mind. My life speak for itself and I can't stop telling the goodness of the Lord.I'm hear to encourage you to do better and go forward in your life. God has birth something amazing into you. It's time you find out what it is so you can get excited about what he's getting ready to do. It's time for a change divorce your past and get excited about your future. God is ready to break every chain that has been holding you back. This is your season! Do you see your breakthrough. I do! Are you ready for your breakthrough? Be bless!

Melissa Bryant
God got it!

If the devil just took a shot at you. Please don't worry! Now the Lord got this next move, sit down! Trust God and let him to what he always do win.God always wins our battles.You just let go and stay in your word,pray and praise God.This isn't your battle it's the Lord.

Melissa Bryant

Right & Wrong

Its funny how peoples so quick to correct you but don't want you to correct them.Right is right.Wrong is wrong.We suppose to be God's children to lift each other up.I'm going to leave this right here.

Melissa Bryant

True statement!

Don't be fooled with the friends around you, Jesus only had 12.Guess what? He was still betrayed.

Melissa Bryant

Life is a struggle!

I really feel like you all need something to lift your spirits? Life is a struggle – whatever you’re struggling with, it helps to hear words of encouragement that remind us that we all take knocks in life, but the best things in life come through persistence.

Melissa Bryant

Make a stand!

Whether you’ve just had another setback chasing your dreams, been rejected by someone you care about, faced tragedy, or you’re just feeling drained from the ups and downs of this journey we call life, remember that things can turn around in an instant. All you have to do is keep moving forward, even when it feels like it would be easier to just lay down and give up. Pick that Bible up and read it.Put on some worship music and praise God.Take your life back and stop giving that devil room.Be blessed! I'm back and on firer for the Lord.

Melissa Bryant

Book signing

Its time to make a stand. Come out and received your breakthrough on November 19, 2016.Panache Events 102 Geneva Hwy,Enterprise. AL 36331.
2:00 pm-6:00 pm
Red carpet event/ book signing
Its time you let go.Give it to God and received what he has for you. Take your life back.

Melissa Bryant

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Praise your way through that storm.

I went through some storms,thunder,fog,hailing,cloudy,icy,tornado,heat,lightning,
freezing,willy,rain,snow,sleet, thunderstorms,earthquakes,volcano and hurricanes.But through it all I kept my faith and I never stop looking up.I prayed,cried,read my Bible,declare and decrease.I spoke it,claim it and stood by it.I praise my way through and I finally saw my rainbow at the end.God is bigger than anything you're going through.He's blessing my family each and everyday.I stay on my knees praying.God is able! I still don't look like what I've been through.Don't never take your eyes off God.Don't never give up.Hold on to that faith and God's unchanging hand.He did it for me and I know he will do it for you.Thank you Jesus! God is able! I made it and I'm still standing.

Melissa L. bryant

Pray for your children!

We need to keep our children in pray.We have to pledge the blood of Jesus over them.I declare and decrease my children shall be obey and do God's will.I declare and decrease my children shall be leaders.I declare and decrease that my children shall prosper. I declare and decrease that the enemy has no room in their life. I declare and decrease they will have a testimony. I declare and decrease they will be save.I declare and decrease no weapons form against them shall prosper. I declare and decrease they will focus at school and make great grades.I declare and decrease they shall live and not die.I declare and decrease victory over their life right now. I declare and decrease you speak life over your family right now.

Melissa L. Bryant

It's time to get it in order.

Its funny how peoples so quick to correct you but don't want you to correct them.Right is right.Wrong is wrong.We suppose to be God's children to lift each other up.I'm going to leave this right here.

Melissa L. Bryant
I thank God for the peoples who made the way for me.

I thank God for the peoples who made a way for me.I thank God for the ups and downs.I thank God for everything he's doing in my life. I thank God for change. I thank God for healing. I thank God for seeing so much in me.I thank God for cleaning my heart. I thank God for me helping others. I thank God for him loving me. I thank God for forgiveness. But of all I thank him for saving me.God I love you and you get all the glory for who I am today

Melissa L. Bryant

I'm focus on God.

I don't care about being rich.I'm rich in God.I want peoples to hear my story then and now.I remember when I first started my career I was so focus on being rich.That wasn't of God! But when he knock me down and I lost everything. It humble me and it changed me.I thank God for everything he's doing in my life. I just want to go to Heaven.

Melissa L. Bryant

Never take your focus off God.

Never take your focus on God. No matter how many times you fall. Get back up and push even harder. The more God bless you remain humble never get catch up in money.Never let your left hand know what you're doing. Seek God and let him leave you. He can open and close doors that no man or woman can.

Melissa L. Bryant

When God heal you?

If God has heal you.Be real and true about who he is. Stop trying to express peoples and then you're leaving in sin. That's not how God want it to be.Your life need to line up with want you talk about.I remember I was encouraging peoples and God this. But yet I was living in sin.But one thing about it when I got that thing in order. God has been blessing.Therefore I can speak on this because it once was me.But God! Think about what you're doing and get it together.

Melissa L. Bryant

Respect yourself ladies!

As a lady that keeps it real.Why are you females posting half nakedness pictures trying to get attention? But yet you're looking for a husband. Keep on you will get just that but it want be the one God will send you.Cover it up and when honeymoon come. He can say this what I've been waiting for. Maybe you want him to say I already seem what you got. Really! This 2016 put some cloths on and realize want you're worth.Because God made us beautiful. Change that picture and get yourself together. Be sexy with cloths on not showing everything. Be careful because you're going to get the wrong attention. Think about it! Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant
Let people talk!

If peoples keep talking about your past let them talk.One thing about it they talk about my past all the time.I just look at them and smile.Because my past don't define me.It made me have a better relationship with my Heavenly father and he's the only person I answer to.But it didn't break me.I push myself hard while letting God use me.

Melissa L Bryant