Thursday, August 25, 2016

God always leaves me speechless

God is so amazing and I give him all the praise. He always leaves me speechless.No matter how hard the devil comes at me.I won't be defeated! Because God has me! Thank you Jesus, to God be the glory. I praise you in all I go through.I know who I serve and what the Bible says. i stand by your word and I thank you God for everything you're getting ready to do in my family life right now. One thing I do know if you fall God will pick you up. He's an forgiven God! He cares! He hears your prays! He's wiping your tears right now. Do you hear him? Listen! Open your hears because he's talking to you right now. So what you messed up. God has forgiven you. Go look into that mirror and forgive yourself. You are loved.Do you feel loved? God has clean you inside out. God will never fell you.My God is amazing and he always leaves me speechless. He's always blowing my mind. My life speak for itself and I can't stop telling the goodness of the Lord.I'm hear to encourage you to do better and go forward in your life. God has birth something amazing into you. It's time you find out what it is so you can get excited about what he's getting ready to do. It's time for a change divorce your past and get excited about your future. God is ready to break every chain that has been holding you back. This is your season! Do you see your breakthrough. I do! Are you ready for your breakthrough? Be bless!

Melissa Bryant

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