Saturday, August 13, 2016

Praise your way through that storm.

I went through some storms,thunder,fog,hailing,cloudy,icy,tornado,heat,lightning,
freezing,willy,rain,snow,sleet, thunderstorms,earthquakes,volcano and hurricanes.But through it all I kept my faith and I never stop looking up.I prayed,cried,read my Bible,declare and decrease.I spoke it,claim it and stood by it.I praise my way through and I finally saw my rainbow at the end.God is bigger than anything you're going through.He's blessing my family each and everyday.I stay on my knees praying.God is able! I still don't look like what I've been through.Don't never take your eyes off God.Don't never give up.Hold on to that faith and God's unchanging hand.He did it for me and I know he will do it for you.Thank you Jesus! God is able! I made it and I'm still standing.

Melissa L. bryant

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