Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My Dreams!

My passion keeps me hungry!
My hungry keeps me driven!
My drive keeps me focus!
My focus keeps me motivated!
My motivated keeps me faithful!
My faithful keeps me on God!
My God sees me through when I trust him!

Melissa L. Bryant
I've been up and I've been down!

I've had my good days and I've had my bad days. I've cried and I've laughed. I've been sad,mad and I've been happy. I've lost some things in my life. I've gain! I've seen some darkness and I never thought I would see some light. I've been humbled but through it all I've stayed faithful.But most of all prayed up.I'm renewed in my spirit.Watch the transformation!

Melissa L. Bryant
It's not what it seem.

Things are not always what they seem.This is why we must take our eyes off of people,situations and circumstances.Some of the most beautiful flowers bloom in the most ugliest places.Some of the most beautiful people come from horrible homes.Allow the Holy Spirit to be your magnifying glass in the spirit.It may not seem like you will bloom out of the place your in but God say look again.He's moving,plucking and growing us.God says keep your eyes on him and he'll show you what he desire from you.He will show you the beauty in all your ashes.So take another look in the mirror the next time the enemy comes looking for you he will have to look a little harder because God is changing you from the inside out.It's not what it seem,it's much better

Melissa L Bryant
Walk into your new life.Be the real person God has chosen you to be.Walk in silent as God leads you.Stop stress in over spoiled milk.When you can get fresh milk.Your past is your past.Let it go!Stop dwelling on it.Yes that's old spoiled milk.You gave Christ your life.Now you have fresh milk.The word(Bible) which will carry you to eternal life.Be blessed!

Melissa L. Bryant
Obedience is the key to your blessings!Act as if you already have what you prayed for.I refuse to dumb myself down because you're insecure.

Melissa L Bryant
Repeat after me!

I am the head and not the tail,I am above and not beneath, I am the lender and not the borrower,it's my season it's my turn I am you say your name but I am putting my name.Melissa Bryant

Melissa Bryant

Friday, September 15, 2017

Why are our lives governed by what if's....When we serve an amazing God.Please just think on that for a min.

Melissa L. bryant
Teenagers listen!

Condoms don't protect you from Spiritual transmitted demons

Melissa L. Bryant

Determine that your words will not hinder,delay or destroy your destiny.Speak life,success,love and joy.But always applied the word of God.

Melissa L Bryant

It's time to get your miracle!

The enemy tried to destroy your mind,your family,children,money,peace,joy,hope and faith.But God! My! My! My! My! But God is getting ready to blow your mind.You're next in line for your miracle.Hold on! Don't give up! Trouble don't last always.Don't give that enemy any room.God got you.

Melissa L. Bryant
Stay focus you got this

I know that life is not life without tests which I know I will study and pass.I cannot and will not be broken. Everything I went though I am forever grateful.It's worth the shift of focus from negative to everything divine and positive. At first it was very difficult to even grasp that I was enduring all of this on my own.Then I realized my strength and I'm reminded of my greatness with my faith.I can do anything with God's help.If i can do this alone so can you.Know today that you are much greater than your situation.Don't be discouraged and don't give up.It's time to shift your focus and take the time out to appreciated what you do have vs what you don't. Be blessed and encourage! You got this.Stay focus!

Melissa L. Bryant
My life has changed

I've hit what felt like the bottom. I've been without family and close friends. I've cried! My oldest son cancer came back. I've cried! I've isolated myself! I've felt like my relationship isn't going great.Maybe it's me going though the chances. I couldn't focus on anything.I wanted to give up.The books sells has drop.I am feeling broke,afraid,stressed,overwhelmed and angry.It's been pretty rough. I felt I wasn't reach anybody as I blog and I took a break for awhile.After I gave it all to God I felt better.But let me tell you this I never lost my faith or praise.

Melissa L. Bryant
Life has it's ups and downs!

Life has it's ups and downs.I see everything as a lesson learned and a blessing in disguise.Become the best again.Quit making excuses and be the change that you want to see.Don't give it! Who say that life would be easy.What we going though will break us or make us.It's call life.But you can make it if you don't give up and keep the faith.

Melissa L. Bryant
What makes you Happy?

Being happy is about finding your inner self.What makes you happy? what makes you smile? What makes you have that tingly feeling? Is it the company that you are with,your job and your family?Once you know you are happy inside and you know what makes you happy,you know what to do to stay in that mental state.I am grateful for my beautiful five amazing children.I am grateful for finally finding myself.I am grateful for being alive and healthy.I am grateful that my family is happy and healthy.I am happy because I am where I'm meant to be at this moment.Even though I still have many more years of accomplishing goals,mentally,emotionally and physically but never give up hope and faith.What are you grateful for?What makes you happy?

Melissa L. Bryant
My children!

My children,know that when you stand in my authority,every demon must flee and the enemy must bow at the name of Christ.Do not let the enemy fool you into thinking you are powerless.You are my child and the power that raised Christ from the dead is inside you! So put on your armor pick up your sword and shield for I have called you as a warrior to fight.I have called you to raid the camp of the enemy and to take back what he has stolen from my children.I have called you to take back the land that the enemy though was his.I have made you a mighty conqueror in the spirit and in the natural.Do not stand in your strength but in mine and you will stand victorious each and every time you battle.Let my strength and wisdom be your weapons of warfare to demolish every obstacle the enemy tries to erect against you.Rise up and be the warrior that I have called you to be.

Melissa L. Bryant
Staying in the past!

Staying in the past only hinders your future!There are something in your life that it is necessary to release yourself from hatred,envy or simply never being good enough for others.One thing is for sure,I know that I am good enough for God. I am so thankful for all the things he have done and continue to do in my life.I want complain,don't even have a reason too.Somebody couldn't feed nor dressed themselves this morning.I am blessed.My past is my past but it doesn't define my future.I have learned to let go and moved forward.

Melissa L. Bryant
Find yourself!

Some people are placed into your life to teach you certain things.Once you've learned what you need to from them.God has a way of removing them so that you may continue to grow. Doesn't mean they are bad people.It just means maybe they aren't for you.I just wanna say thanks to God for a great journey. I've grown into a phenomenal woman with the help of constantly being tested on patience and strength. May you continue to grow and find yourself and become the woman or man you need to be.

Melissa L. Bryant
What is your mess doing to you?

We all have messes in our lives such as relationship,business,financial,health and home messes.Sometimes our messes are small and just feel like a slight annoyance.Other times,they're so huge that it strip our hope,peace,joy right out of our lives.But here's a thought to ponder right in the midst of your mess.Am I letting my mess define me or refine me?The answer to this question is crucial.If I let my mess define me,I will feel hopeless.If I let my mess refine me,I will be hopeful!

What your mess doing to you?

Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Prayers going out!

I pray everybody be safe. I am still trusting God in this storm. No matter what the storm brings just trust God. Please get some where safe.Praying for my family and everyone else that is still in the path of hurricane Irma.No matter what the storm brings just know that God has already worked it out. Praying for us all.For those of you that don't believe in God. You better believe in him now. Heavenly Father we just want to say thank you. We know you are in control and we don't know your plan.But we trust you God in this storm. God of Heaven and earth,God who carries our lives and the lives of the whole world in your hands,be with us in the peril of this storm day and night.Guide us right now Lord and we praise you right now in this storm.Help us to release our anxieties and fears into your faith and trust you. Please send your Holy Angels to watch over us and guard us. May they spread their holy wings to give us shelter against the storm. O Lord please claim the atmosphere and forgive us from our sins.We thank you right now for everything you getting ready to do.Let this become a powerful testimony.In Jesus name I pray.Amen

Be safe! Pray! Trust God!
Author Melissa L. Bryant

Saturday, September 9, 2017

It's hard holding!

It can be hard to hold on sometimes when you in darkness and can't see the light. 
It can be hard to hold on when nobody understands what's really going on.
It can be hard to hold on when you lose you someone very close.
It can be hard to hold on when you don’t feel held.
It's hard holding on to your faith when so much coming at you all at once.
The great challenge of faith is holding on to hope after you’ve lost your grandmother or a child.
When it’s hard to hold on you have to cry out to Christ for help.
You can't hold on by yourself.
When it’s hard to hold on we got to hold on to peace.It’s the beliefs we hold, that hold on to us even when we’re struggling to hold on.
We can always keep holding on because our God can always be counted on.
The art of living lies in the balance of holding on — and letting go because He’s holding on to to you — He’s holding on to everything. I thank God for holding on to me because it's been hard.
Please hold on to His promises and surrendering to His plan.

Hold on to His promises.
Let go into His plan.
Hold on to God unchanging hand.
I had to hold on before I lost myself.

Melissa L. bryant