Friday, September 15, 2017

My children!

My children,know that when you stand in my authority,every demon must flee and the enemy must bow at the name of Christ.Do not let the enemy fool you into thinking you are powerless.You are my child and the power that raised Christ from the dead is inside you! So put on your armor pick up your sword and shield for I have called you as a warrior to fight.I have called you to raid the camp of the enemy and to take back what he has stolen from my children.I have called you to take back the land that the enemy though was his.I have made you a mighty conqueror in the spirit and in the natural.Do not stand in your strength but in mine and you will stand victorious each and every time you battle.Let my strength and wisdom be your weapons of warfare to demolish every obstacle the enemy tries to erect against you.Rise up and be the warrior that I have called you to be.

Melissa L. Bryant

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