Monday, July 23, 2018

Love use to be powerful!

Love is a four letter word that's powerful and will hurt But you keep holding on through strength, faith and God. Why tell a person you love them and you really don't mean it? Why waste each other time for years and you not happy. That's not fair to the other person. I person won't that unconditionally love and you just want to play games. That's just not fair to play with a person feeling. Why not be real and say you're not in love with that person. You just want one thing which is (sex). Keep it 100%! That a person can let you know once again up front what they are looking for. Life is too short for games. Divorces are so high in the US. Marriages are not the same anymore. So many people are getting marry for all the wrong reason. Love should be like when God loves the church. The man should love his wife the same way. But it's not like that anymore. What happen to those marriages that was forever and ever. Now marriages are lastly on 2 days or maybe a month. What really going on? Do you have any answers? I know I want unconditionally love. I want that love God has for the church and me. I want that love where through thick and thin you work it out and you're still married. I want that love when I look into his eyes I know he loves me without any questions ask. It will show with actions. Love is an actions word. Love is a practice, it is not something you find or don't find. You can practice love for the rest of your life. It is very easy to fall in love with someone. The difficulty is to stay in love. But if it is difficult to stay in love, that means, that it is not the love of your life. It is a love experience. Love is always beautiful, if it is not beautiful, it is not love. Time to move on. Sometimes, love just fades away. It is better to move on when you don’t feel anything, then when you feel the opposite of love. If you want to find the love of your life, start being aware of your use of the word love. Saying and thinking I want to find the love of my life and not I want a relationship is fundamental. You find what you are looking for.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Why do all those thing to get the man or lady?

You ran after me for so long. I kept turning you down over and over. I lost contact with you 12 years ago 8 years later you found me. After you found me we talk on the phone off and on getting to know each other. We have been knowing each other for a long time but never dated. Once i decide to let you come see you. You came and we click and it was nice. We start dating and you were amazing. But after three years you stop loving m,e like you use too. I don't get flowers any more. We don't go on dates anymore. It's like love don't live here any more. Why do all these things to get me? Than you start changing. I don't understand that because I am still the same for the beginning to the end. I still pray and go to church. I still help others when needed. I am still making time for you and always surprising you but you stop. I can't go on like this. Either you love or not. You say you're not happy why be when me. I can't force you to love me anymore. I just want you to let me go and lets go our separate way. I felt down to my knees and prayed and ask God for question. Now our relationship isn't in my hands anymore. It's in God's hands. I know my worth. I know I am not perfect but I am still here for you but you have change on me. I want my peace back and I have gotten it back. I just want you to be happy no matter what. But love doesn't live here anymore. You have change and I have for the better. Why do all those things to get the lady or man and than change. I am tired and love just don't live here anymore. I am done with this relationship and letting go. My peace mean more to me than anything. Love just don't live here anymore. I want more and you just stop and I am tired.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Single people!

Being single isn't that bad after all. Being single is not a plaque. It's a healing time.Time to build yourself, upgrade yourself, fix yourself and invest in yourself. It's time to get to know yourself. Love yourself and really enjoy yourself. It's a time of letting go all that pain and hurt you been dealing with so when God do bless you with someone. You will be free and heal to love again.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
What does a man really want?

Most men are afraid to have what they want. It is easier to talk about what you want than to have it and realize that you aren't able to do what it takes to hold on to it. Remember 90% of the guys you meet won't like you, but the ones that do have greater chance of finding someone they can ride or die with. Life is a gift absolutely and to find someone to share it with is one of the greatest challenges that anyone has to face but it also delivers the sweetest rewards. Every failed relationship that we endure should be the building block for the success of our next relationship,even though pain is often the primary teacher. Even though we might seem to be surrounded by fast talking self absorbed hustlers of our emotions, the expenditure of a finite amount of trust, the ownership of a fearless soul and the compassion of an understanding person is the blueprint of any successful love story.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Although we may, at times, struggles mightily to rise above the distractions of the everyday living, we never struggle alone. God is with you eternal and faithful, with infinite patience and love. Trust me if you really reach out to him, I am telling you he will restore your sense of perspective and give you peace to your soul. With all the distractions in the world, let Jesus be your main attraction.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sometimes you get tired, burn out and wants to quick. Sometimes the enemy be looking right at you to see if you're going to quick. That's when you start thinking about all the things you been through and realized if God got me through that. i know he's going to get me through this. Start praising God because greater is coming. Your breakthrough is on the way.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Good Afternoon!

I pray you have a bless day full of love, joy and happiness. No matter what you are going through today. Don't let it stop you for having an blessed day. Every day we have to enjoy our life too the fullest no matter what comes our way. We can't that our problems keep us down and go into depressed. We have to pick it up and keep moving. Life has it's ups and downs but you don't have to let it take you have. Hold on and keep smiling through these trials that comes your way. With God's help you got this and you can make it. Have a bless day and know that trouble don't last always.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Love yourself!

Learn to love yourself past all your mistakes.
Learn to love yourself no matter how hard it gets in life.
Learn to love yourself even if your marriage or relationship don't work.
Learn to love yourself no matter how many children you have.
Learn to love yourself even if you're not happy with your job.
Learn to love yourself past the hurt and pain.
Learn to love yourself even if you're not happy with your life.
Learn to love who you are whether others like it or not.
Learn to love who you are now.
Learn to love yourself.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Finding yourself!

Sometimes going through trials and tribulations you get lost and you lose yourself.
Sometimes trying to keep focus on a marriage or relationship you lose yourself.
Sometimes focusing on others people problems you lose yourself.
Sometimes you're so focus in your career you lose yourself.
Sometimes you're so focus on being an great mother, father or parent you lose yourself.
Sometimes you get lost and just lose focus of everything.

No matter what you go through don't lose focus and don't lose yourself.
Look in that mirror and look deep down inside so you can find yourself again.
I had to find myself again. It's time you find yourself.

Author Melissa L. Bryant
Has anyone inspire you today?

You're amazing
You're awesome
You're talent
You're great
You're unique
You're sweet
You're different
You're important
You're strong
You're precious
You're brave
You're blessed

I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement this morning.

Author Melissa L. Bryant