Monday, July 23, 2018

Love use to be powerful!

Love is a four letter word that's powerful and will hurt But you keep holding on through strength, faith and God. Why tell a person you love them and you really don't mean it? Why waste each other time for years and you not happy. That's not fair to the other person. I person won't that unconditionally love and you just want to play games. That's just not fair to play with a person feeling. Why not be real and say you're not in love with that person. You just want one thing which is (sex). Keep it 100%! That a person can let you know once again up front what they are looking for. Life is too short for games. Divorces are so high in the US. Marriages are not the same anymore. So many people are getting marry for all the wrong reason. Love should be like when God loves the church. The man should love his wife the same way. But it's not like that anymore. What happen to those marriages that was forever and ever. Now marriages are lastly on 2 days or maybe a month. What really going on? Do you have any answers? I know I want unconditionally love. I want that love God has for the church and me. I want that love where through thick and thin you work it out and you're still married. I want that love when I look into his eyes I know he loves me without any questions ask. It will show with actions. Love is an actions word. Love is a practice, it is not something you find or don't find. You can practice love for the rest of your life. It is very easy to fall in love with someone. The difficulty is to stay in love. But if it is difficult to stay in love, that means, that it is not the love of your life. It is a love experience. Love is always beautiful, if it is not beautiful, it is not love. Time to move on. Sometimes, love just fades away. It is better to move on when you don’t feel anything, then when you feel the opposite of love. If you want to find the love of your life, start being aware of your use of the word love. Saying and thinking I want to find the love of my life and not I want a relationship is fundamental. You find what you are looking for.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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