Thursday, July 19, 2018

What does a man really want?

Most men are afraid to have what they want. It is easier to talk about what you want than to have it and realize that you aren't able to do what it takes to hold on to it. Remember 90% of the guys you meet won't like you, but the ones that do have greater chance of finding someone they can ride or die with. Life is a gift absolutely and to find someone to share it with is one of the greatest challenges that anyone has to face but it also delivers the sweetest rewards. Every failed relationship that we endure should be the building block for the success of our next relationship,even though pain is often the primary teacher. Even though we might seem to be surrounded by fast talking self absorbed hustlers of our emotions, the expenditure of a finite amount of trust, the ownership of a fearless soul and the compassion of an understanding person is the blueprint of any successful love story.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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