Monday, July 23, 2018

Why do all those thing to get the man or lady?

You ran after me for so long. I kept turning you down over and over. I lost contact with you 12 years ago 8 years later you found me. After you found me we talk on the phone off and on getting to know each other. We have been knowing each other for a long time but never dated. Once i decide to let you come see you. You came and we click and it was nice. We start dating and you were amazing. But after three years you stop loving m,e like you use too. I don't get flowers any more. We don't go on dates anymore. It's like love don't live here any more. Why do all these things to get me? Than you start changing. I don't understand that because I am still the same for the beginning to the end. I still pray and go to church. I still help others when needed. I am still making time for you and always surprising you but you stop. I can't go on like this. Either you love or not. You say you're not happy why be when me. I can't force you to love me anymore. I just want you to let me go and lets go our separate way. I felt down to my knees and prayed and ask God for question. Now our relationship isn't in my hands anymore. It's in God's hands. I know my worth. I know I am not perfect but I am still here for you but you have change on me. I want my peace back and I have gotten it back. I just want you to be happy no matter what. But love doesn't live here anymore. You have change and I have for the better. Why do all those things to get the lady or man and than change. I am tired and love just don't live here anymore. I am done with this relationship and letting go. My peace mean more to me than anything. Love just don't live here anymore. I want more and you just stop and I am tired.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

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