Friday, November 6, 2020

 I know it's hard but don't focus on the world. Read your Bible, Pray and worship God. Trust God his plan is bigger than our. God cares and he loves you. God said if my people would fall down on our knees and repent. God would heal the nation. We have to focus more on God. Thank you Jesus for everything you're getting ready to do in your nation. This is God's nation not men or women. Lord we need you and we can't do this with out you right now. Thank you Jesus for everything. Jesus we cry out to you on bending knees. We need thee every hour, minute and second. Lord have your way in our life. Thank you Jesus for it all. I know you got us no matter what comes our way.



Monday, September 21, 2020


Have a blessed day everyone. I love you all and be encourage.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, September 18, 2020

 Be encourage!

No matter what comes your way be encourage. God is bigger than your situations. God has your back trust him. Please don't give up or throw in the towel. God cares and he loves you just give it all to him. Be encourage.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Living Behind the Mask.

All my life I have being living behind the mask. I was ashamed of being rape. I felt it was my fault and I kept living behind the mask. In their darkest moments, people find solace in a variety of mediums that promise comfort. Some find a reprieve at the bottom of a bottle, while others pursue instantaneously gratifying vices to numb the pain. I choose to turn to God in my trying times, and now i am on a quest to inspire others through my story of beating the odds. I am no stranger to the storm of life. At a young age, i survived what no one should ever experience. " The enemy tried to kill me with popping pills and abusive men. However, I did not let these things kill me," this inspirational icon shares. As a survivor of multiple rapes, I did not only have to face the over whelming reality of the pregnancy caused by one of the perpetrators. I lived behind the mask so long but I took it off and I am sharing my testimony. My book Living Behind the mask is on Living Behind the Mask by Melissa L. Bryant. It time you faced your demons and take your mask off.

Author Melissa L. Bryant


 Keep standing!

No matter what comes your way keep standing. Don't give up. Your breakthrough is around the corner. Bills are due keep praying and standing. These are getting rough keep standing God has your back. I made the commitment to give my problems and anxieties to God. I will let him take care of that for me. I will work on living the best way he asks me to. I think that it is not too small a sacrifice that we give God our all. I think God deserves to have that from us at the very least. I am learning that we need not let things get in our way and put our full faith and trust in him as he will not let us down, nor will he leaves us or forsake us. Yes, we need to be telling others about Jesus.God will never give us more than we can handle, and we need to trust and really believe that. God has your back Keep standing no matter what comes your way.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Sunday, June 7, 2020


I know were all different colors, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. I know some people are rich but I still love you. I know that some people are poor but I still love. I know we are raise different but I still love you. I know you might hate me because of my skin color but I still love you. I know we might not agree on the same thing but I still love you. We might be different on the outside but we bleed the same on the inside. I still love you. You see as a black woman I see black men go through so much but I still love you. God did give my heart any hate. Love will change the world. I forgive you for everything you done to me. I love you.

Author Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Good morning!

  I pray you all are having a great morning. No matter what you're going through. Don't give up. Read your Bible, pray and trust God. He will see you through. God is good and always on time.

Be blessed and encourage

Monday, February 3, 2020

 Have a bless day! No matter what comes your way. Please don't give up.


Friday, January 24, 2020

I know sometime you feel like giving up. I know it is not easy. I know what you're going though is rough. But I am here to tell you God is bigger than that situation. Don't give up and don't throw in the towel. This test will turn into a powerful testimony. Give it all to God. Now praise your way though that situation. Have a bless day.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Good morning!

Have a blessed day. Be encourage no matter what's going on. This is only a test that will turn into a powerful testimony.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020


No matter what you are going through. Don't give up! This is only a test that would turn into a powerful testimony. God will never put too much on you that you can't have. God bless and the best is yet to come.


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Never be ashamed of what you been through.

We can't force on the abuse everyday. I know it hard and I am sorry that happen to you. I was abuse as well. I wanted to die. I was popping pills all the time just so I could sleep. I used to question God why this happen to me. I was abuse physically, mentally and emotionally. I was rape over and over I end up getting pregnant by the guy who rape me. I want to kill myself and I did not want the baby. My heart was falling apart. I prayed and that is when God start dealing with me. I decide to keep my baby and tell my story. At first it was so hard telling my story without crying. But God is amazing and always on time. I am hear to tell you never been ashamed of what you went through. You will come out victories. 

Author Melissa L. Bryant