Saturday, April 30, 2016

Stop letting people define who you are.

Your past doesn't define who you are.But yet you learn from your past.It’s about making a difference and following your passions. It’s about connecting deeply to what you believe in, and expressing your values to others.In fact, nothing defines you. Not one relationship, not one mistake, not one accolade, not one job, not one award, not one thing defines you.Nothing can define you.I know God define who I am in him and I let my light shine.People don't define who I am. I am a mother of five children four boys and one girl. A lot of people try to define me because of that and I didn't let it define me.I know who I am and what I can handle because God made me.I don't let outside circumstances rule who I am.I remove myself away from all the negative and just stay prayed up with what God told me.As I was going through I discover the things in my life that define who I am and who I will become.With that been said be careful who you allow into your circle of influence!Sometimes you find yourself trying to be like them and not yourself.Just be yourself the person God want you to be.Stop letting people define who you are because of your past.Everybody has a past but it doesn't define who we are.The older I get I learned my past was a lesson that turn into blessings after blessing.Are you going to stop letting people define you?I know I did a long time ago.

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, April 25, 2016

I am making a decision to enjoy my life to the fullest.I am living my life one day at a time,knowing that I'm preparing for my future.Yes, I know there are going to be some challenges and difficult times.But I know God got me and everything will be all right.As I stay humble and be willing to change in order to embrace the great stay focused and determined,knowing that I'm doing God's will,encourage others.God bless you all,you better believe the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant
I have learned you have more in you than you realize and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.No matter what happens in your life,hold on to the truth;even if you don't always feel strong,seek God for strength and fight for your dreams.Don't give up on your life when things get rough.Your past is your past therefore stop letting peoples define you because of your past.You can be anything you want with God on your side.Sometimes we be the ones to hold our self back from our dreams.

Melissa L. Bryant

Embrace on what you have now and make the best of it,that's what we have to do in every area of our life.We can't stay focused on where we thought we should have been or what we thought we should have had.We have to let go of the old and accept where God has us today.

Melissa L. Bryant

Saturday, April 23, 2016


No matter what the circumstances are,prayer can work wonders,bringing peace in a situation of great confusion and hope where there is desperation.God is so much bigger and wiser.Don't let the challenges of life get you down.Today ,families have so much pressure on them and I have the same pressure as a mother,future wife,daughter,granddaughter,sister and best friend.I need my reassuring hug,peace,hope and wisdom more than ever.

Melissa L. Bryant

I am fortunate to be blessing in the lives of many people. I learned that as long as you got a dream and God it will come to pass.While following my dreams,I always had determination.I learned how to discipline myself and really focus. I learned that all the people who were in my circle didn't mean me any good. I had to surround myself with more positive people.I had to pray to God when decisions started coming my way.My belated grandmother pushed me to develop my gift.She pushed me to always be determining with my writing,but most of all too always keep God in it no matter what I do.

Melissa L. Bryant

No matter where you are in your life,no matter what responsibilities you may carry,you can find peace, balance and enjoyment in every area of your life,but it starts with you.All my love and thanks to God for my trials and healing point.

Melissa L. Bryant

Friday, April 22, 2016

As a mother you want to take all the pain and troubles from your children. You want to fix every problem that comes their way.But than it hit you only God can.It hurt you because those your children. Thank you Jesus! But you got God in your life you start praying for those children like crazy and praising God. I had to deal with one son trying to take his life five times.I had to deal with one son trying to get with the gangs.I had to deal with one son being disrespectful. Now I have to deal with my son having cancer.I look back at the son who try to kill his self doing amazing and they said he's not going to graduate. But God! He will be finish with school this month and graduate May 20, 2016.You getting your praise on yet.Wait! The other child the gangs try to get don't have a record doing amazing in school. You getting your praise on yet.Wait! The other son who was going through changes.Now going to the Army.You getting your praise on yet.Wait! Now my other son has cancer.But guess what if God took care of the other children. I know he's going to take care of this son.He's going to be heal.Thank you Jesus! Now get your praise on with me now. I know God is able. Yes Lord I thank you right now for healing and deliverance and everything you're getting ready to do in our life right now. Thank you Jesus! Amen!
Melissa L. Bryant

Lord I command you to move today yes father God I love you and worship you. I have come to realize storms come and go, some worse than others but I made it through them even when I didn't feel as though I would.He will never leave you. Please believe that one day you will look back over your life and say I made it. I have passed every test, every trial and every tribulation. Another thing I have learned to do is instead of letting it keeping me down. I stand claim declare and decrease. I praise my way through it.I want be defeated! You got to say no weapons form against me will prosper. Lord it is truly amazing how grace that brought me this far I've stood on solid ground and I told my STORM you got to go right now you can't stay in my life any more.Than I stand praising God and he's showing out. God I thank you for your love when I felt like I had nobody, you touch me and you told me I am here my child thank you Jesus for loving me. thank you for forgiving me. Thank you Lord even when I'm weary & lost at times you lead me astray & these storms don't make me. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Yes Lord I praise you. Please Lord continue to use me as a vessel for I want be defeated thank you lord right now in Jesus name Amen!
Somebody needed to hear this.
Melissa L. Bryant
God gave us the power! Now use it!

Listen to me:We sometimes get discourage as we look at our current situation and we run and end up missing the blessing or even a plan way of escape.Sometimes if we really think about it, we will notice that it is "already getting better". God has never left us nor will He ever leave us So I declare and decrease that it is already better. If you are really bold; declare that it is already done.God has gave us the power and it's time we use it.If God did it for me I know he will do it for you.But you have to trust God and start claiming it.

Melissa L. bryant
I pray!

I pray that you are doing well.  My life has not been easy.  But, God never gave up on me.  He will never give up on you - hold on.  It is when you are going through your worse that God is holding you up.  Be encouraged.  It was when I thought life could not get any worse that God started opening doors that I never thought would be opened.  Continue to pray and be encouraged.  God is not through with you yet.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, April 21, 2016


We have to live on purpose standing in your purpose the quality of your dreams will change.Believe in your dreams and yourself.Focus on one goal at a time.Develop positive thinking.Replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs.Balance everything and pray and don't give up.Everything will fall in place and on time.

Melissa L. Bryant
I speak life!

I speak life into you today Life.Repeat after me In the name of Jesus,sickness you've gotta go,Debt you cannot say in my life.Rebellion or angry you will not control my child.Depression you will not steal my destiny.Loneliness you got to go.Giving up spirit you got to go.Lying spirit you got to go.Addiction you got to go.Fear you got to go.Stealing spirit you got to go.Start naming things that's holding you back and speak to it.When you speak,not in your authority,but in the authority of Jesus.Jesus is mighty high and he will stand behind you.Let me tell you,no power can stand against God.No sickness,no addiction,no fear,no legal trouble.When you speak and you do not doubt,the mountain will be removed.Now it may not happen overnight.In unseen realm,things are changing in your favor.Now raise your hand and tell God thank you and talk to those things that are holding you back.God bless you and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. bryant
The thought of the day.

In order to rise to your highest heights you have to fall(Fall hard)fall in order to rise all over again.There is no shame in falling,the shame is not having the courage to try.So please continue to rise,knowing you may fall even tho you can rise again thereby showing peoples.No matter how many times I fail or fall.I will get back up and do it again.Then you can say I made it.Yes I made it with God and me not giving up.Have a amazing rest of the day.God bless and yes you better believe the best is yet to come.

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


        How She Fought now on
        Melissa L. Bryant

This are my deepest book How She Fought by me Melissa L. Bryant. I want to take you inside my world as you see my life unfold in my story about my life.Its real and it will blow your mind.How She Fought will make you cry,think but most of all praise God.

Melissa L. Bryant
God knows!

God knows whats best for us.I know sometimes you feel like giving up. It's so much mercy for those that are so broken down. Know that you are so blessed and you will pass the test.In a time in my life I thought the world was closing in on me God sent me through so much to renew my faith. Thank you Lord for everything you're doing in my life. Some days it gets tough but I'm still holding on to your hand God.You have been to good to me to give up now.God has brought me out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock. I can't help put praise him.

Melissa L Bryant
My pray for you today.

Lord I command you to move today yes father God I love you and worship you. I have come to realize storms come and go, some worse than others but I made it through them even when I didn't feel as though I would.He will never leave you. Please believe that one day you will look back over your life and say I made it. I have passed every test, every trial and every tribulation. Another thing I have learned to do is instead of letting it keeping me down. I stand claim declare and decrease. I praise my way through it.I want be defeated! You got to say no weapons form against me will prosper. Lord it is truly amazing how grace that brought me this far I've stood on solid ground and I told my STORM you got to go right now you can't stay in my life any more.Than I stand praising God and he's showing out. God I thank you for your love when I felt like I had nobody, you touch me and you told me I am here my child thank you Jesus for loving me. thank you for forgiving me. Thank you Lord even when I'm weary & lost at times you lead me astray & these storms don't make me. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Yes Lord I praise you. Please Lord continue to use me as a vessel for I want be defeated thank you lord right now in Jesus name Amen!
Somebody needed to hear this.

Melissa L. Bryant
I declare and decrease!

I declare and decrease you will live and not give up.I declare and decrease that you will stop focusing on what people say or think.I declare and decrease you will focus more on God.I don't care what the world say because God has the last say so.devil keep coming at me because you will end up getting save.I know what God say and I'm still praising him and praying.Take your hands off his peoples right now that's hurting.I declare and decrease they shall live and not die.I have the power God gave me and they shall live and not die.I thank you Lord for working in these peoples life right now.I thank you for everything you're doing in my family's life right now.I thank you God for I am not a shame of the gossip.My faith has gotten stronger and I'm not playing with you devil.I pledge the blood over my family's life right now as well as network family.Thank you Lord for words, trust, faith, support, deliverance,hope,healing,peace,joy,grace and mercy.I thank you Lord right now and I give you all the praise and I will not stop praising you.Because you change me and save me and heal me.Yes Lord please wrap your arms around them now and give them faith and hope.I praise you in advance.Amen!

Melissa L. Bryant
But God!

I've been lie on. I've talk about. I've been through ups and downs. But my God has been truly good to me.I'm truly blessed and I give God all the praise.Trust me you can't please everyone. I believe for all the ones who don't believe God got you.If it had not been for the Lord I don't know what I will do. I refuse to give up on anybody.God is real and always on time.He know what's best for us.The Lord will always give you a reason to say thank you.

Melissa L. Bryant

Trust God!

Just know It ain't over. Keep fighting! "But the impossible is Gods chance to work a miracle." God loves to see us in what the world calls an impossible situation because then He can come in and be GOD! He is God over impossibilities. Love Him, believe Him and it will all be better than okay! Hallelujah!!! thank you Jesus! My! My! My! My!

Melissa L. bryant
Keep Praying!

Keep praying! Keep Fighting! Keep standing! Keep trusting God! Keep praising God!

Melissa L. Bryant


I couldn't seem to fall asleep the other night,There was so much on my mind searching for that peace I could not find.So then I kneel down to pray and cried out to my father. Praying help me Lord please. Then He said you don't have to cry anymore because I'll supply all your needs.As soon as I stop worrying and just start praising God.Doors start opening up left and right.I stay praising God.He's amazing and always on time.

Melissa L. Bryant

No matter what!

You better believe no matter what comes my way. I am going to keep moving forward. I want to be ready and hear God say well done. I just want to thank my Father in Heaven for having mercy and Grace when everybody turned there backs on me.Because I know that I'm Blessed and Highly Favored.

Melissa L. Bryant

Give it to God!

I have to give it all to God. I'm gone to be ready. I give m husband, myself, children and family to God.I pray that God will make my family ready. I'm blessed.Please continue to pray, life isn't going to be easy. But just keep your faith in God, give all of your troubles to him and he will lead you. I remember when I lost everything but I still kept my faith and focus on the Lord.Lord I thank you. if I had a million tongues I couldn't and wouldn't be able to Thank you.You all just don't know how far I've come. God is has been way to good to me. I don't mind letting the entire universe know about my God.He's amazing and he gets all the glory.

Melissa L. Bryant
Don't get distracted!

Don't get distracted by what people say. Focus on what our Heavenly Father has said about you. I'll start you off, but every day search for His word & blessing over you. Here's one for you okay two (smile) Jeremiah 31:3 , John 17:13-21 (the whole chapter will bless you). Stay focused on Daddy's voice don't get distracted by the noise. His love is for real. Its healthy. It's balanced. It's what we've all been waiting for and His healing love is waiting for you.You trust him so that He can make you whole. Love you all so much.God bless and you better believe the best is yet to come. Please stand, focus and press on.Pray and praise your way through.

Melissa L. Bryant
My story is all about the goodness of God!

I am telling you, you don't know my story, but you may know about my God! He's turning it around for me. I've been through some things I never thought I could or would go through. But I'm here to tell you, yes you who chose to read this, Do not get discouraged, you can get tired, but don't quit, it is time to keep fighting.This is your season and it's turning around for your good.Trust God and read my story How She Fought The Full story on amazon by Melissa L. Bryant
In quietness and stillness is your strength. You have to rest in God's ability to handle your situation. Declare what God says about your situation.Wake up the word! If you don't talk to your storm, your storm will talk to you. Be still in the midst of your storm. Rest and He will fight your storm. God doesn't deliver us from every storm, he may choose to take us through it. Don't fight where you are.Let God fight for you.Stay calm and know where your help comes from.That proves to God that we trust him. Be still and know that He is God. You will prosper in your business, finances, marriage and in the lives of your children. I expect great things to happen to you and through you today and
everyday of your life. Just yield to him right now.

Melissa L. Bryant


Why? Why should you run? Are you saying that our God has no power. Why would you run and where should you run to? Maybe to the church or maybe to someone like you.Well listen you must first find out who God is? Then you must find out why he sent his only son Jesus Christ. Maybe if God would have said that about us he would still be hear today? You say that you know God and that you are his child.Well he/she who is with out sin cast the first stone.Love your brother/sister as you love yourself. Is their any sin that you can do that make you better then the next?Pray for them, fast for them, feed them die for them.Why give up on them?God didn't give up on you.What greater love?

Melissa L. Bryant
When I discovered the simple truth that I  at a period in life to do one particular thing to inspire,instill and infuse hope in other people. I stopped attempting to be like everyone else and decide to be myself and let God lead me and that's when I found myself.I had lost myself for a moment because I thought I had to say everything just right to make others like me. But it doesn't matter now how people feel about me.I am myself and it's about pleasing God.

Melissa L. Bryant