Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My pray for you today.

Lord I command you to move today yes father God I love you and worship you. I have come to realize storms come and go, some worse than others but I made it through them even when I didn't feel as though I would.He will never leave you. Please believe that one day you will look back over your life and say I made it. I have passed every test, every trial and every tribulation. Another thing I have learned to do is instead of letting it keeping me down. I stand claim declare and decrease. I praise my way through it.I want be defeated! You got to say no weapons form against me will prosper. Lord it is truly amazing how grace that brought me this far I've stood on solid ground and I told my STORM you got to go right now you can't stay in my life any more.Than I stand praising God and he's showing out. God I thank you for your love when I felt like I had nobody, you touch me and you told me I am here my child thank you Jesus for loving me. thank you for forgiving me. Thank you Lord even when I'm weary & lost at times you lead me astray & these storms don't make me. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Yes Lord I praise you. Please Lord continue to use me as a vessel for I want be defeated thank you lord right now in Jesus name Amen!
Somebody needed to hear this.

Melissa L. Bryant

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