Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Meditate on his word 

Meditate on his word - meditate means to mutter to yourself- meditate day and night - let the word germinate in your soul.Our God is really indeed able to do anything he said he will do.God indeed specializes in things that are impossible to us.He is able it don't matter the situation just remember he is able.

Melissa L. Bryant
Better days are coming!

I promise I have my days where I don't even have the energy. As much as I have been thru and still going thru I know he is the only one to keep me from breaking and letting go.He will do the same for you.We have to keep on pressuring on no matter how hard it gets.At the end God will get all the glory.

Melissa L. Bryant
Praise through that problem!

We have to praise God no matter how hard it gets.Praise is what I do when things get touch for me and I get tired.I use it as a weapon against any force of satan.When my Heavenly Father from Heaven hears my real worship and praise.He cannot help Himself;He enters the room.Yes Lord! I thank you! When He comes,the tempters power is broken! Do you hear me praise your way through that situation. God is waiting on you! Keep praising him somebody! God is getting ready to show up and out.It will turn into a testimony.I know because I'm praising him every day.

Melissa L. Bryant

God is amazing!

God is amazing! Every time I look at my wedding.It bring so much tears and joy to my heart.God is amazing! If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be who I am today.It was a long touch journey and I wanted to give up so many times.But when I looked at my five children.I knew I had to keep fighting.I am telling you.God is real! God hears your prays.He sees your tears.Surrender and give it to him right now.My heart is so full of joy right now as I thank God each and every day I made it.I am still standing! Lord I thank you right now for everything you're getting ready to do in my life.The devil comes at me so hard.But I will not stop fighting and doing God's will.I have a destiny to fulfill and I am ready to tell the goodness of God each and every day.I know it gets hard sometimes and you feel like throwing in the towel.But hang in there it's going to be all right.God loves you! I'm here If you need pray.I try to go to sleep but I just couldn't. Some body needs to read this and know it's going to be alright.Trust God!Lord Jesus I just want to say thank you.My heart is so full right now and God gets the glory.Yes Lord! I thank you.

Melissa L. Bryant
Be yourself!

Stop trying to be somebody else.When all you have to do is be yourself.Stop trying to fit in and be yourself.God made you different for a reason.You have a gift find it and use it.Be the person God needs you to be.Let go and give it to God.Be yourself!

Melissa L. Bryant

God will provide for you and see you through milestones.You just don't give up or into it.God is Love!

Melissa L. Bryant
Prayer change things!

You better believe prayer changes things.Cry out to God and hold on to your faith.It's going to get better things.Trouble don't last always and I am a living testimony that's it's going to get better.If it wasn't for God I would never made it.My oldest son is battling cancer.I was so hurt when I found out and I felt like I could take away his pain.But I can't all I can do is keep praying and trusting God.Enjoying every moment with him and let God do want he do.This is my son testimony not minds.But I am still praying and trusting God.I remember when my 19 year old try to take his life five time.I felt like I wasn't going to be able to handle this.But I cried out to God for help and strength and I prayed over my son and rebuke that devil.I got him some help and speak life into him.I fought for him and we made it.He graduate and now getting ready for his future.God is amazing.No matter what you're going through hang in there and it's going to get better.If he did for me he will do it for you.God bless you and the best is yet to come.Never stop praying!

Melissa L. Bryant
God gets all the glory.

God is amazing! I don't look like what I've been through.God gets all the glory.All old things have passed away now all things are new! All glory to God.

Melissa L. Bryant

Good afternoon everybody.I pray you all are having a blessed day so far.Don't give that devil no room and keep pressuring on.Be blessed and stay focus!

Melissa L. Bryant
My Story!

My story is of deliverance, inner peace, and giving God the praise.You don't know my story, God is Good, I Gives God The Highest Praise.Glory be to the wonderful, loving, living, graceful, merciful, peaceful, forgiving, powerful, passionate and concerning God that I serve. God gives us the authority to command our circumstances then promises victory no matter how the circumstances may seem. Trust and believe, ask and we shall receive, in Jesus Mighty Name! Changes things and all thing are possible through Christ Jesus....Lord I thank you right now for everything you're getting ready to do in my life as well as my husband as well as my children as well as my bonus children as well as my family.I praise you right now and I thank you Lord.I will not stop doing your will no matter how hard the devil comes at me.He gets no room I shall live and not die.I am more than a conqueror.I made it.I am a living testimony.I have the powerful that God put in me and I am using it.I'm not playing with this devil trying to make me lose focus he's a liar and the truth in him.My family will be save and God will gets the glory and I thank you right now Jesus right now.Amen! Use the power God gave you and rise up and stand.

Melissa L. Bryant

Monday, June 27, 2016

When you're in a relationship without communication, there is no relationship. Also you better believe without respect, there is no love. Number One without trust, there is no reason to continue.Because both of you all are wasting your time.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thought for the day,,
When we come to the end of our lives, we will take no material things with us. We will not take one cent in our cold, dead hands. The only things that we take are the things we have given away. If we have helped others, we may take that with us. If we have given of our time and money for the good, we may take that with us. Looking back over our lives what we are proud of? Not what we have gained for our lives but what good, we have done with our lives.What will I take with me when I go?

Melissa L. Bryant

If you are not satisfied with your life you must change something. If we keep doing the same things we have always done, we will have the life we have always had. You need to make the most important you will ever make.. Change is good for anyone, as long as it is in the right direction..Amen!

Melissa L. Bryant

It does not matter how defeated you may feel, the fact remains that you are a winner. Defeat is just a passing wind, victory is your portion for ever if you do not give up.

Melissa L. Bryant
Many people follow their own desire or other people's advice instead of following the Spirit of God.Follow God's Spirit, if you know what you're listening to.God has equipped you with everything you need to overcome in life.No matter what you say, no matter how big obstacle seem, no matter limitations have slowed you in the past, you can overcome! God didn't create you to fail ,but instead to live in victory, and freedom.Can I please get an amen?

Melissa L. Bryant

Lust last a second but love last forever.When you fall in love it's not basic off sex.It's the way that person makes you feel inside.It's an beautiful thing when God is in it.That person is going to love you like God loves you.It's nothing wrong with just waiting on that real love.Every yourself and getting things in order with yourself.Love yourself and you will be able to give love back.Love is amazing! Love is powerful! Love is real! Trust me your love is coming real soon when God feel like you're ready.

Melissa L. Bryant

If you don't have no faith at all ,have the faith to put your life in God's hands. No matter what's going go in your life.God will and can supply all your needs.Nothing to hard for him.You just have to really trust him and everything will turn out for your good.Have faith of a mustard see.


Melissa L. Bryant

The blessings, praying and keeping God in your marriage.Makes it amazing, joyfully and a blessing in staying married.Some people say its magic. I say its about pleasing God and doing right.

Melissa L. Bryant

I hear this all the time.I can't do this because I have a child.I'm a single parent with no help.Listen to me: Stop it right now! I'm a mother of six but lost one.But any ways I have work two and three jobs plus went to school.Author of many books and I did it with God's help.No it wasn't easy! I went from having lots of money and I lost everything and was almost homeless.But I never depended on my children's father for anything.Therefore stop using those poor excuses.Because when you get sick and tired of being sick and tired.You will rise up and do something about it.Check this out. I rest my case.You're a parent and these babies didn't ask to be here.Rise up and Take Your Life Back.

Melissa L. Bryant

Thursday, June 9, 2016

It's easy to be grateful when things are well,not so easy when things are falling apart.Jesus is the light of my life even in my darkest of hours without him it would be impossible for me to go,keep hoping and keeping the faith.God has a plan for you even when you can't see it.Keep the love of God in your hearts no matter what the world says.Keep your faith in things above and not on things on earth.God is a sure hope and faithful in all things count on his grace and love.

Melissa L Bryant
Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.Through my struggles I stood alone and trust God......

Melissa L Bryant
Love is a beautiful thing when God is in it,It's real and true.I use to say this when I was single.Being single isn't bad.What's bad is giving up hope on finding someone special to love you or someone finding you to love you.Being single is an opportunity to bond with yourself and know who you really are.It's a time to seek God and go from there.

Melissa L Bryant
Being here for you all in need is one of the most important things to me.No one deserves to feel lonely.I just want to give you words of wisdom to empower,encourage,uplift and help you move forward.Everybody has a purpose.I know things are heavy right now and you feel like giving up.It's okay to cry! Be still and listen to our daddy's voice because he's trying to tell you he cares and he hears your prays.He sees your tears and he's ready to wipe them away.As soon as you call out to him.He loves you.

Melissa L Bryant
Walk in your authority!Patience is Powerful!Don't let your bad past experiences haunt your future.Your dream must be bigger than you fear.

Melissa L Bryant
My challenge to you today is to start speaking to those mountains in your life.

Melissa L Bryant
Stop complaining about what you don't like and do what you can to change it.Instead of complaining,we can choose to remember all of the blessings that we have.Instead of complaining,we can choose thoughts and words that will lead us toward a solution,instead of keeping us stock in the problem.

Melissa L Bryant

No matter what you do,no matter how many times you mess up and think to yourself there's no point to carry on.You feel like giving up!Life doesn't stop for you or for anyone else.Life is life!It's hard but there are those amazing moments that make you who you are. Don't just sit around crying or wanting to give up.When you let something go.Some day you'll be okay again once you give it to God.

Melissa L. Bryant
Listen to me:Give up your limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do,about what is possible or impossible.Just spread those wings like a eagle and fly.

Melissa L Bryant

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Today I'm take time to break down SPACE PETS a way to understand in life there are time when you began to question God and yourself here is a easy way to understand it's call SPACE PETS S= Sin to confess do i need to make a restitution
P=Promise to claim? It is a universal promise? Have I met the conditions.
A= Attitude to change? Hmm am I'm willing to to work on a negative attitude and build towards a positive one.
C= Command to obey? Am I willing to obey and do it no matter how I feel.
E= Example to follow? Is it positive example for me to copy, are negative one to avoid.
P= Prayer to pray? Is there any problem that I should are need to pray back to God.
E= Error to avoid? Is there something I should be alert to are beware of?
T= Truth to believe? What new things can I learn about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and all other teachings.
S= Something to praise God for? Is there anything are something here that i can be thankful for?
Today apply the space pets to your life it can help you to understand more and you live life and learn be bless love ya'll.


Melissa L Bryant
How can you move on when you're still holding on to the past. It's time to let go, forgive and move forward. God is waiting on you to lose that mess so you can be the person you need to be in him. Be bless!

Melissa L. Bryant
Want God do it! God is always on time.God always show up and out.I am so glad he loves me.I'm so glad he cares for me.My! My! My! My! I am so glad he forgives me.Like I forgive everybody that has done me wrong.I'm trying to get to Heaven.I don't have time for any stress.I am too blessed...

Melissa L. Bryant
Take your joy back from that devil. Its time to stand and fight.Stop living in depression! Rise up and give it to God. Take your joy back. God gave you that joy.Claim your victory right now!

Melissa L Bryant
One thing I learned.It may not happen the way you expect it or on your timetable,but God is a faithful God.It will happen on his time.

Melissa L. Bryant
When you're on mission for God you have to watch the company you keep.So you can stay focus.Don't be deceived,"Bad company ruins good morals.One thing a person can't deny is your change.They'll bring up the old because they can't find anything negative to say about the new you.

Melissa L. Bryant
Please stop letting people distract you,who don't have a clue about who God is and what he can do.You go keep falling for the distraction that you go miss your breakthrough.I command and i declare and decree that tonight you shift into trusting God.The Holy Spirit is your guide i advise you to take heed.Step aside and let God in for real.Have an amazing night.

Melissa L. Bryant
You all better stop holding grudges and walking  in unforgiveness with people.Who are you to hold and walk in stuff like you have not done anything.God forgave you correct? Why can't you forgive? What If God walked around like we do.Some of you all wouldn't make it.Forgive others!Forgive yourself!Be sincere when you tell others your're sorry.You will block your own blessing.Forgive even if you never receive an apology and watch what God does.Forgive, Love others and keep moving forward.I am a witness to this.Be careful that you don't get caught up in this world way of forgiveness.The enemy will use you and pop the bag in your face.I dare you to walk in forgiveness.

Melissa L. bryant

Anything that last long and is consistent in your life is because God is holding it together.God is holding you together.

Melissa L Bryant
Your breakthrough will come if you don't quit!Trust the process,most of all,trust God.

Melissa L. Bryant
Embrace the struggles and let it make you strong! It won't last forever!Your struggles is a lesson that would end up been a blessing.

Melissa L. Bryant

Everything in life can teach you a lesson,you just have to be willing to observe and learn.

Melissa L. Bryant
There comes a time when you simply needs to be still.Being still doesn't mean doing nothing.It means consciously tuning into self,listening within for guidance of answers you need.

Melissa L. Bryant
Faith is not believing that God can, faith is believing that God will!

Melissa L Bryant
Open your eyes to the beauty around you.Allow yourself to see the beauty in everything to see the beauty in everything you see.

Melissa L Bryant
If you really want things in life to happen,you have to make them happen yourself.

Melissa L Bryant
One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up instead of what they have to gain.

Melissa L Bryant
When we put our problems in God hands,He put peace in our heart!

Be encouraged!

Melissa L. Bryant

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


This year has been full of surprises, joy, peace, happiness and love.My heart is rejoicing. I'm truly blessed. It has been a long journey but I didn't give up. I just can't believe two more of my children I had will be finish with school soon.I have work hard and fought hard for my children. God is amazing! I stay on my knees and keep them in church. We pray together! I listen to them.I encourage them. But most of all I never gave up on them.I love my children and my new family as well.

Melissa L. Bryant

Ask God what your gift is.

God put something special in all of us.Its up to you to seek him and find out what it is.Stop getting mad at other people success.Praise with them yours coming.

Melissa L. Bryant

Stop dwelling on the past.

How can you move on when you're still holding on to the past. It's time to let go, forgive and move forward. God is waiting on you to lose that mess so you can be the person you need to be in him. Be bless!

Melissa L. Bryant

Never be ashamed of where you come from?

Listen to me never be ashamed of where you come from or what you went through.It doesn't define where I'm going. Just know I made it and I'm stronger and wiser.My testimony is powerful and it will blow your mind. I'm who I am because of God and I'm very happy of who I became.

Melissa L. Bryant