Wednesday, June 29, 2016

God is amazing!

God is amazing! Every time I look at my wedding.It bring so much tears and joy to my heart.God is amazing! If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be who I am today.It was a long touch journey and I wanted to give up so many times.But when I looked at my five children.I knew I had to keep fighting.I am telling you.God is real! God hears your prays.He sees your tears.Surrender and give it to him right now.My heart is so full of joy right now as I thank God each and every day I made it.I am still standing! Lord I thank you right now for everything you're getting ready to do in my life.The devil comes at me so hard.But I will not stop fighting and doing God's will.I have a destiny to fulfill and I am ready to tell the goodness of God each and every day.I know it gets hard sometimes and you feel like throwing in the towel.But hang in there it's going to be all right.God loves you! I'm here If you need pray.I try to go to sleep but I just couldn't. Some body needs to read this and know it's going to be alright.Trust God!Lord Jesus I just want to say thank you.My heart is so full right now and God gets the glory.Yes Lord! I thank you.

Melissa L. Bryant

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