Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Today I'm take time to break down SPACE PETS a way to understand in life there are time when you began to question God and yourself here is a easy way to understand it's call SPACE PETS S= Sin to confess do i need to make a restitution
P=Promise to claim? It is a universal promise? Have I met the conditions.
A= Attitude to change? Hmm am I'm willing to to work on a negative attitude and build towards a positive one.
C= Command to obey? Am I willing to obey and do it no matter how I feel.
E= Example to follow? Is it positive example for me to copy, are negative one to avoid.
P= Prayer to pray? Is there any problem that I should are need to pray back to God.
E= Error to avoid? Is there something I should be alert to are beware of?
T= Truth to believe? What new things can I learn about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and all other teachings.
S= Something to praise God for? Is there anything are something here that i can be thankful for?
Today apply the space pets to your life it can help you to understand more and you live life and learn be bless love ya'll.


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