Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Story!

My story is of deliverance, inner peace, and giving God the praise.You don't know my story, God is Good, I Gives God The Highest Praise.Glory be to the wonderful, loving, living, graceful, merciful, peaceful, forgiving, powerful, passionate and concerning God that I serve. God gives us the authority to command our circumstances then promises victory no matter how the circumstances may seem. Trust and believe, ask and we shall receive, in Jesus Mighty Name! Changes things and all thing are possible through Christ Jesus....Lord I thank you right now for everything you're getting ready to do in my life as well as my husband as well as my children as well as my bonus children as well as my family.I praise you right now and I thank you Lord.I will not stop doing your will no matter how hard the devil comes at me.He gets no room I shall live and not die.I am more than a conqueror.I made it.I am a living testimony.I have the powerful that God put in me and I am using it.I'm not playing with this devil trying to make me lose focus he's a liar and the truth in him.My family will be save and God will gets the glory and I thank you right now Jesus right now.Amen! Use the power God gave you and rise up and stand.

Melissa L. Bryant

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