Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Prayer change things!

You better believe prayer changes things.Cry out to God and hold on to your faith.It's going to get better things.Trouble don't last always and I am a living testimony that's it's going to get better.If it wasn't for God I would never made it.My oldest son is battling cancer.I was so hurt when I found out and I felt like I could take away his pain.But I can't all I can do is keep praying and trusting God.Enjoying every moment with him and let God do want he do.This is my son testimony not minds.But I am still praying and trusting God.I remember when my 19 year old try to take his life five time.I felt like I wasn't going to be able to handle this.But I cried out to God for help and strength and I prayed over my son and rebuke that devil.I got him some help and speak life into him.I fought for him and we made it.He graduate and now getting ready for his future.God is amazing.No matter what you're going through hang in there and it's going to get better.If he did for me he will do it for you.God bless you and the best is yet to come.Never stop praying!

Melissa L. Bryant

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