Monday, February 27, 2017

Expect miracles,breakthrough and victory every day. God is forever faithful! God is more concern about you receiving the blessings than you are. Instead of being sad check your life.If you are convinced that you are right with God, then just hold on because God is always on time. He is never late. I know that for a fact. Learn to stir up your confidence in God. He won't disappoint you. The devil knows that when you are faithful his kingdom will be more in a mess. Whatever you are trusting God for that is yet to manifest is not enough reason to be sorrowful. Please know that God is who he says he is and would do what he says he will do.If God did it for me and my family. I know he will do it for you.

Melissa L. Bryant

Saturday, February 11, 2017

This the month of showing extra love.Cherish the people around you today.  Let them know they're important to you.  Let them know you love them.  Say it today.  Say it like you mean it.  Say it often.  No one gets tired of being reminded that you love them, or hearing that you care.  Yes, show it, but also say it.  You never know when someone needs to hear those 3 simple words most.Try asking that question without making someone's day. Without filling them with warmth.  Without evoking a huge smile.  Do they know you love them?  Of course they do.  But it's little reminders like that that make all the difference.  Its lets the person know "You're important to me.  Right now, in this moment."  It's current.  It's edifying.  It's encouraging.  It's what people need.Let people know you loved them. Not just saying it but by showing it. Show it In the big things, in the little things, in the deep conversations, and in the little "reminder" phrases. Tomorrow isn't promise and we need to show more love before it's too late.Guess what? I love you and it's nothing you can do about it. This is the month of love,peace,joy and happiness.

Melissa L. Bryant

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Keep pressing on.Thank you Jesus! To my amazing sisters and brothers on my father's side keep pressing on.This is only a test! It's praying time! No matter how hard the enemy comes at you.Keep trusting God! Everything is going to be alright just trust God.Heavenly Father, i just want to say thank you.I pledge the blood of Jesus over my sister and brothers life now.Lord clean them up.I speak change over their life right.No weapon form against them shall prosper.Yes Lord I praise you no matter what I go through and I know everything is going to be alright.I know what your word say.I declare they shall live and not die.Lord cover my baby sister right now.She needs and can't do this without you.Lord save her right now.I speak life over her right now.devil take your hand off her right now.She belongs to God and I am standing in the gap.I speak healing over her life right now.I speak deliverance over her right now.I declare and decrease that that chain has been broken. I declare and decrease she will have a powerful testimony right now. I stand by your word Lord and I am asking you to save them one by one.Clean them up one by one.Yes,Lord! I thank you and praise you right now.I bond it on earth therefore it's loose in Heaven.In Jesus name I pray Amen.I love you so much.

Melissa L Bryant

When you know who you are in God,the enemy can't touch you no matter how hard they try.

Melissa L Bryant

You have to believe and trust God.Do you hear me?The more I live right the more God is blessings.He's amazing and I can't stop praising him.Don't take your eyes off him okay.God bless you.

Melissa L Bryant

It's time to stop holding on to that hurt.Let it Go! If somebody did you wrong forgive them and move on. I thank God every day for all the negative, I went through because it didn't stop me. Because people's words don't defend me.I know who I am the daughter of the king.When I felt to my knees and gave it all to God.My life start getting line up and he has been open up doors left and right. Every day God is blowing my mind all I can do is just raise my hands up high.Telling him thank you and praising him over and over.You have to have faith of a mustard see.Every day along my journey I am walking by faith not sight.God is so amazing! I just can't stop praising him.I remember when I was in darkness and wanted to give up but up came light shining so bright.The more I start walking in that light I found myself and I am moving forward every day.God has favor over my life and I am seeing it every day. I want stop praising him. I am a living testimony.I am more then an conqueror.I thank you Jesus I made it.Yes lord because of you made it and this is just the beginning.It's time you really give it to God and blossom into an blessed butterfly.

Melissa L Bryant

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Being a Parent!

Being a parent of five children  is so amazing.I remember when they were all young and now their teenagers and young adults.It was a struggle at first and then I grew up and became a mother. As God led me I knew I didn't want my children to have a rough life.We had some ups and downs as well as struggles but we made it. Once I really except I was a Mother my life change for the best.I love my children with all my heart and I want the best for them.I know I can't save them from their hurt,pain,test,trials that comes in their life.But God can and I teach them about him and try to keep them in church.I raised them to love one another and help one another. When the storm hit Albany,Ga in January it was messed up.But my children started going through their stuff giving it a way to help others.That touch my heart because right then I knew I raised them right.Yes to bless others.God is amazing because his word help me when I wanted to give up.I gave up model for my children.I know it might sound crazy but I wanted to raise my five children myself.I am truly blessed three graduate from high school and two more to go.My oldest son beat cancer and graduating April 29,2017 from college.But God and just think I almost gave up.Guess what I am not an grandmother.I am here to tell you no matter how hard it gets to never give up on your children,dreams or life.You can achieve it and make it with God's help.Hold on to his unchanging hand no matter how hard it gets.I am hear to tell you that you can make it.God is amazing and on time.I hope this bless somebody to day.

Melissa L Bryant