Saturday, February 11, 2017

This the month of showing extra love.Cherish the people around you today.  Let them know they're important to you.  Let them know you love them.  Say it today.  Say it like you mean it.  Say it often.  No one gets tired of being reminded that you love them, or hearing that you care.  Yes, show it, but also say it.  You never know when someone needs to hear those 3 simple words most.Try asking that question without making someone's day. Without filling them with warmth.  Without evoking a huge smile.  Do they know you love them?  Of course they do.  But it's little reminders like that that make all the difference.  Its lets the person know "You're important to me.  Right now, in this moment."  It's current.  It's edifying.  It's encouraging.  It's what people need.Let people know you loved them. Not just saying it but by showing it. Show it In the big things, in the little things, in the deep conversations, and in the little "reminder" phrases. Tomorrow isn't promise and we need to show more love before it's too late.Guess what? I love you and it's nothing you can do about it. This is the month of love,peace,joy and happiness.

Melissa L. Bryant

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