Thursday, May 25, 2017

God is love. God is real.God cares.He's wiping you tears away. He hears your prays and feel your pain. Give it all to him and you will feel better.

Melissa L. Bryant

I can go through my challenges with God on my side.You are not hopeless. You have a purpose and a great future ahead of you. Use the power of Jesus to speak against Satan. He will not overtake you in the almighty power of Jesus. Everything everyone has been telling you is to strengthen you. Use their negative words as a stepping stone to go higher to your next level. Remember whatever they tell you, you are the opposite. You are not worthless but worthy. You are not ugly but wonderfully made in the perfect image of Christ. You are not good for nothing you were created in the heart of the Most High for His glory! Good bless you Facebook family, friends and fans, strengthen your relationship with God.He cares for you that why he die on the cross for our sins.

Melissa L Bryant

God is so powerful. Even when you think he is not there he shows up in our favor. He proves to us that he is the almighty.

Melissa L Bryant

You all should put down whatever it is you're holding on to and let God heal your broken heart. You have to trust God and live up to him. God told me to pass that on to you. Now you pass the word on to someone who needs to hear this.

Melissa L Bryant

I don't know who this for:
I pray that the Holy Spirit will be with you and console you. What ever you're going through , you will come out of it in Jesus name. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world .There is nothing Jesus cannot do, you are set free from every pain , sickness, difficulties, right now in the name of Jesus. I declare and decrease joy and peace in your life right now. I declare God's favor and glory health upon your life .God will never leave you or forsaken you. He will meet your every need . I declare and decrease light upon every darkness that's in your life right now.You are the salt and the light of this world so shall you be . I cut off anything God has not planted in your life , I cut them lose right now . I cover you with the blood of Jesus from your the crown of your head to sole of your feet right now in the name of Jesus. I declare and decrease restoration on your life right now in Jesus name.I pray you experience God love and peace like never before in Jesus name. You are bless! Don't forget that! Thank you Jesus for everything you're getting to do in their life right now.Amen!

Melissa L bryant

Listen to me and listen to me good: No man or woman will ever love you as much as God does.Whatever you do keep God first in your life. If that person doesn't want you to love God. You be better;Run Honey run as fast as you can.Do not look back just keep running.
Because they are not worthy of your time or love. God will send you who he has for you.

Melissa L. Bryant

I know your struggles and what your daily life consist of. 
I want u to know that this will be your easiest fight. The Lord will deliver you. He is awesome like that. I was going thru it. but the Lord step in for a sinner like me. He save me! He rebuilt me! He forgave me! He changed me! He healed Me.He did it for me and I know he will do it for you. Yes, you will be in my prayers today.

Melissa L. Bryant

Sometimes we are so depressed and down an out that when God does try to talk to us. We can't hear Him so He speaks through others to get our attention or through different songs to get us. Be encourage and listen to God. God bless you my sisters and brothers.

Melissa L. Bryant

God is moving in a way I never thought was possible. Life isn't perfect but when God is leading my path the impossible seems possible and I am so grateful......................Thank you Jesus! Yes Lord I thank you right now.

Melissa L Bryant
As I look over my life and see all that the Lord has done for me. All I can say is thank you Jesus. I made it! Yes you get all the praise and glory. Because I never would have made it without you. My soul cry out to God because I was nothing without him.Now I am blessed beyond with him in my life.It's nothing more mighty than being grateful for what the Lord does for us, we can do all we can for some people and they don't even care at all. But God is very very grateful for just letting him know we are just so grateful for everything he's doing in our life.

Melissa L. Bryant
I remember when I was so distance from God and I find my life just going different ways. I to really open up my arm and heart. I had to really cry out to him asking for guidance. yes I had to move self out the way. Now when I look back over my life it was worth it. The fight,struggle, depressing, trials and learning how to remain humble was worth it him. I heard to tell you just don't give up because God loves you. Please keep his obedience to him. It will be worth it. He die on the cross for all our sins and it's paid in full. We all have to obey God's word. Let today be the day you open up your heart. God loves you because he gave his son Jesus.

Melissa L. Bryant
God will give you peace in your storm........Do you trust him? No matter what you are going through ask God for peace.He will give you peace and you are going to be alright.Just hang in there..

Melissa L Bryant

Despite whatever struggles and hardships this week has presented,today is another chance to change things for better plus your at the weekend now.Therefore you made it and you're still standing.Now get your praise on.Have an awesome and abundantly blessed day! God bless and the best is yet to come.

Melissa L Bryant

Sunday, May 21, 2017

You have to stop blaming others for your situations.People are always blaming their circumstances on other people. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who make it in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them. My struggles was so risky and so scary, and yet at the same time, so beautiful. It made me a stronger person and to speak nothing but the truth. It's the things you fight for and struggle with before earning the greatest worth. When something's difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder -if not impossible- to lose.”Convince your enemy that he will gain very little by attacking you; this will diminish his enthusiasm”Many times we are our worst enemy. You have to trust God and not give up. God got you no matter how hard it gets. If we could learn to conquer ourselves, then we will have a much easier time overcoming the obstacles that are in front of us.In the journey of life, certain paths may seem to be leading nowhere because of a mountain or hill on the way which may seem to be the end of the journey, but should a pilgrim of life climb such a mountain with tenacity and courage and gets to its apex, he would not only deeply feel and understand the tenacity and the courage it takes to climb the mountain, but he would also see ahead and have a clearer picture of the way forward better! Life will throw all kinds of obstacles our way. It's our job to scramble over them and hunt for the little miracles tucked away, then leave some reminders for the people that follow behind us.There is strength in every struggle. Struggles create opportunities for you to become stronger, wiser and better. The moment you shift your thinking from "I cannot" to "I must," you will begin to see 'Beyond the Pain' and draw strength from within. Learn to see each obstacle as a stepping stone and watch your life change significantly.” No matter what, I would never let the people who wanted me to break see how much damage they had inflicted.If you are busy focusing on the falling bricks, you will never realize that they are truly stepping stones you need to cross over to the next phase of your life. You would be able to look back and say I made it.

Melissa L Bryant

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

As a single mother of five my words and books are to inspire you with God's word, with his hope, faith, lots of peace and unconditional love he has for us. I pray and hope you take some courage and joy along your journey. Because you can make it with God's help. I am a survivor and I was a victim. After all my struggles I kept my faith and ask God for more wisdom, some hope for tomorrow and courage to make it in this struggles. Writing gave me purpose to provide a way to communicate my thoughts to single parents and children. I have worked long and hard to bring my story to light and I could have not done it without you God. I hope my reader's life was change and I made a difference in someone's life: and hope to achieve whatever success level God has for me.

As a single parent there is always so much to do and it never seems to end. we get tired, overwhelmed at times and really stressed. I recognize that even though challenges and difficulties  while raising my five children alone with God's help. It was days I thought I wasn't going to make it. I had to really cry out to God and pray along my journey. But with God all things are possible and I give him all the praise.You can make it! Trust God!

Melissa L Bryant

Leave me a comment please

Start your day off with pray and praise. Be a blessing to someone today. Step out the box and just blessed somebody you will feel better.

Melissa L Bryant
What I learned?

I have learned sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.With God all things are possible.My struggles aren't new,but they are my own.My life's story focuses on deliverance,forgiveness and healing is in my testimony.I went on such a journey in my life and I thank God for it. I finally understood the true meaning of the message. I saw the blessing was in my lesson. God sends some of us through struggles so that we have to depend on him to make it through and we stop imposing our own. It's in the power of the unchanging word of God. I've learned to keep holding on no matter how hard it gets. I've learned to keep pressuring on no matter what. Trouble don't last always and joy comes in the morning.Everything I went through gives me the strength to keep pressing forward even though no one else understood it. It's not for you to understand about my life. It's to tell my story for you to be inspired to do better and not give up.

Melissa L Bryant

Please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know if I blessed you any kind of way.