Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What I learned?

I have learned sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.With God all things are possible.My struggles aren't new,but they are my own.My life's story focuses on deliverance,forgiveness and healing is in my testimony.I went on such a journey in my life and I thank God for it. I finally understood the true meaning of the message. I saw the blessing was in my lesson. God sends some of us through struggles so that we have to depend on him to make it through and we stop imposing our own. It's in the power of the unchanging word of God. I've learned to keep holding on no matter how hard it gets. I've learned to keep pressuring on no matter what. Trouble don't last always and joy comes in the morning.Everything I went through gives me the strength to keep pressing forward even though no one else understood it. It's not for you to understand about my life. It's to tell my story for you to be inspired to do better and not give up.

Melissa L Bryant

Please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know if I blessed you any kind of way.

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