Tuesday, May 16, 2017

As a single mother of five my words and books are to inspire you with God's word, with his hope, faith, lots of peace and unconditional love he has for us. I pray and hope you take some courage and joy along your journey. Because you can make it with God's help. I am a survivor and I was a victim. After all my struggles I kept my faith and ask God for more wisdom, some hope for tomorrow and courage to make it in this struggles. Writing gave me purpose to provide a way to communicate my thoughts to single parents and children. I have worked long and hard to bring my story to light and I could have not done it without you God. I hope my reader's life was change and I made a difference in someone's life: and hope to achieve whatever success level God has for me.

As a single parent there is always so much to do and it never seems to end. we get tired, overwhelmed at times and really stressed. I recognize that even though challenges and difficulties  while raising my five children alone with God's help. It was days I thought I wasn't going to make it. I had to really cry out to God and pray along my journey. But with God all things are possible and I give him all the praise.You can make it! Trust God!

Melissa L Bryant

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